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8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
I agree with this ^^ Be nice about it. Don't be confrontational, but just say what you know about it. It might have even been good to point out the fact that the good things they pray for would have happened anyway. It would have strengthened their resolve, but it would have also got some wheels turning. If they really think they have that much of a chance of re activating you, it might be
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
No. rr346 is saying that exmo59 is severely minimizing the incidence and basically say "Oh it wasn't that bad. Just deal with it". From the perspective of someone who has experienced PTSD, I would consider that to be one of the rudest, most irritating things anyone could say to a person who is dealing with a situation like that. (Not what you said, I mean what exmo59 said)
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
So it passed then? Hmmmm...didn't feel much.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Well technically it's true in the sense that they are choosing to ignore the truth. I would say that what IS a choice is the choice of what NOT to believe.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Can we get a link to the article? I really want to see.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Most dating sites like and have the option for homosexuals.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Same sex marriage was ruled by the supreme court to be legal everywhere!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Hahahaha "I knew a guy once who would die if he had caffeine so that's proof that HF knows what he's doing" That is the most ignorant comment I've ever seen! So I guess HF should ban wheat, sugar (including fructose in fruits. Yes, fructose is DEADLY to some people), milk, nuts, seafood, corn, eggs, and more. Sooo basically we shouldn't eat food. I guess HF needs to evolve humanity p
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
9. .
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
It's so sad...These women in ordain women are so close to bridging the final gap and understanding why the Mormon church is a load of crap, but they still mostly believe and it brings them so much pain.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
I guess not
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
12. :(
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Sounds like he was having trouble with his beliefs as well.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
This is ridiculous!!! After it says "Pasi was finally called to meet with his Stake President, who told him that his mission application had been declined on the basis of his very visible tattoos. Pasi’s heart dropped.” It says that PASI HIMSELF said “I didn’t want to go on my mission with this tattoo, so I tried having it removed by laser treatment before, but it wasn’t working. I
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Hahaha XD
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
After I left the Mormon church I still believed in God. I had the warm fuzzies and everything, and I have always fully embraced my emotions. When I went through a long period of legitimate PTSD, I still believed as much as I ever had and I never tried to avoid how I felt about things, but somehow the feelings still went away. As much as I tried, I just did not get any religious experiences. If
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
This is the link :)
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
I can't deny that there are some hymns I truly do enjoy. From a musical standpoint, it's obvious why they're good. It's just clever chord choices and phrasing. But I hate how they think that getting that feeling of enjoying music means that their church is true. It just irritates me so much. Why can't I just enjoy listening to and/or playing a song without seeming like I'm interested in becomi
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
YAY! It makes me happy to hear about others breaking the illusion! :D
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
That's the first time I've heard abuse described that way. It's also an extremely accurate description of what happens.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Not feeling responsible for unfortunate things that happen is the first trick to understanding a healthy atheist/agnostic standpoint. Understanding that life will usually work out positively against the odds if you have positive actions (because that is actually how life works. Even from a logical standpoint) is the second step.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
When in doubt, ask "why" 3 times. This doesn't just apply to religion. It's a great tactic in any area where there seems to be black and white thinking, including business, relationships, and when taking advice. But for now, I've found a good use for it in the religious area. The demand: Worship God. Why? Because the Bible says so. Why? Because God's prophets wrote it.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
That is one of my FAVORITE points to make against any religious entity of any sort that makes that claim (particularly Mormons)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Right. The point is that the son doesn't want to go so he's protecting his son. rationalguy said it's his son's choice as to whether or not to go, and his son doesn't want to, so now he's got his son's back on the decision he made.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Okay so now it's becoming "my perfect leaders aren't perfect so they're a test of my strength in having empathy"?! That's the whole freakin reason they're in that church is because the leaders are supposed to know exactly what's what. My brain hurts...
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Like the T.V. show "Psych"
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Cause ya one else in this world has ever looked like that.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
So wait! They're starting to add the face-in-hat to actual teaching?! Like they're being open about that?! Whoa! Haha that will be funny to see people's reactions when they see pictures all over church walls of that.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes
Forum: Recovery Board