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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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Well, the preponderance of NDEs, including that of Eben Alexander, strongly suggests that the soul exists. It's not an abstraction or hypothetical construct. The soul is a (sometimes directly experienced) real thing. No living thing could exist without one. Physical materialism is a cult that requires turning a blind eye, just like Mormonism.
Forum: Recovery Board
So the CK looks like the Mos Eisley cantina?
Forum: Recovery Board
Or don't care, because Jesus fixes everything - including the elimination of troublesome spouses.
Forum: Recovery Board
What if they are into heavy petting?
Forum: Recovery Board
Only if their temple work is done. Good thing, because cats are much easier to baptize by proxy.
Forum: Recovery Board
Flat Earth is an outlier in that it is rather easily debunked by the average person. It's a kind of mental game that feels good to win and it's easy, so it's popular. It's more a form of Solipsism than a conspiracy theory. You really have to disbelieve a lot to make it work. That may be the allure. It tests the limits of what you are allowed to believe, or can believe, in case Joseph Smith was
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
Indians must have figured out that Mormon temples are temples in name only, so they feel duped. A temple requiring a recommend is not a temple. It's not even a church. It's a private club.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
That'll show 'em! But do you still count toward the 17 million?
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
Mormonism as a socially acceptable eccentricity. I like it, considering many worse alternatives. And yet, pathological religions aren't your friend.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
Or there's entertainment value in watching Cousin Eddie perform his latest experiment to "prove" the Earth is flat. It's the modern equivalent of a freak show. No agenda required.
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
Does this mean she's not holding out for an RM?
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
Smart people can find a reason to believe anything. Flat Earth is easily debunked. GPS algorithms operating on billions of devices (like smartphones) rely on a spherical Earth. A conspiracy to hack all of those devices to fake a round Earth without the ruse being discovered would be totally impossible.
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
All revolutionary ideas face brutal rejection and ridicule from the status quo. The lotus flower needs the mud to grow. Very few see the lotus before it blooms. So, are the "facts" the mud or are they the flower?
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
Plato's Philosopher Kings don't get their title unless they buy into the prevailing dogma. As a result, their truth is in a silo. Or rather, within the walls of their kingdom. They can only speculate about the beliefs of the barbarians.
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
"If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe."
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” ~ Philip K. Dick We all entertain reality to varying degrees, usually when it suits our fancy, but more often when it bites us where the sun doesn't shine. Two cult leaders who could bend reality were Steve Jobs and Joseph Smith. They were at opposite ends of the woo spectrum but both created cultures that outli
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
Wife 2 and wife 1.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
What if the hat was possessed, like Chucky?
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
Dad should have paid more cows like Johnny Lingo.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
That's what democracy means, right? So, mindfuckery like Mormonism is protected.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
The things I've had to give up for booze...
Forum: Recovery Board
5 days ago
The church can proclaim anything it wants, but proclamations are worthless if you can't throw dissidents in a dungeon.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 days ago
Man had to search for happiness somewhere else.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
How the West was won - with extreme prejudice.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
I would blame the martyrdom on Brigham. Joseph was in his way.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
The world is made of colored sand. Colored sand is made of time.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 days ago
How did they rule out immaculate conception?
Forum: Recovery Board
7 days ago
"Series 5, Volume 41, April 1896" That was before ice core samples. The data from ice core samples going back many millenia and high-resolution temperature measurements in the downhole show that modern temperature trends are nothing new. Climate data logging began at a dip, giving the appearance of global warming. Climate crisis is just the latest mass hysteria that will pass when th
Forum: Recovery Board