Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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I think most folks know the reason Mormons attend church so frequently is because of the renewing of baptismal covenants by eating the bread and water on Sundays. Here's a no-duh somewhat hysterical story of how we missionaries were banned from partaking the sacrament in one ward when I was a missionary. No brainer: If people you are teaching non-members, then they need to attend church sever
Forum: Recovery Board
Does stress matter? Mormons are horrible stressed at church. People are always looking down, staring at the floor. Being bored all the time or blaming oneself for not measuring up to someone else's standard can have life long consequences.
Forum: Recovery Board
The bar code is a tattle tale and the church really doesn't know how to coax members to attend the temple. All they know is how to berate and shame members for not attending. Years and years ago when the church began its push to get people to pay tithing (and back years owed- at least my bishop was pushing that). As part of ward business, they would read member's names of individuals and fa
Forum: Recovery Board
I was a loser, I went and thought going on a mission would be neutral to an okay experience. It wasn't and if you had a highly competitive mission president dick then you suffered through and through. In a perfect world, a volunteer serving a church mission could rationalize "This really sucks. I am alone in a god forsaken hell hole of an apartment. My companion disagrees with everything
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
Is there a snitch line for those who take all the church pamphlets from a LDS meetinghouse and attempt to flush them down the toilet? I know someone who once did that :)
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
How about brainstorm as church missionaries? The same church which wrote a play by play script of how to conduct missionary work in every possible scenario (Missionary Guide). And here we were at a zone meeting "befuddled" as to why 8 sets of missionaries had ZERO upcoming baptisms scheduled. And so we were told to brainstorm ideas of how to find, teach and commit people to be
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
I know the date when JS first peed in the Susquehanna River, but it's too sacred to share here. But behind the veil at the temple, I would gladly reveal it to you with the correct sign and token.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
It's just classier to serve reheated meals in crackpots out of your trunk of your Cadillac in the church parking lot. Let the Ptomaine delight continue.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 days ago
Sort of disappointed that you didn't ask how many tequila shots one can order in the celestial room. On my open house trail of terror, the workers were so proud that you could see Jesus in a mirror from every corner of the celestial room and I got the brother almost laughing about how nice the room would be with carts of margaritas.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 days ago
And if someone showed up dressed in white, with a funny hat and green apron, would people freak out?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 days ago
I honestly thought and still do think that church temples and meetinghouses are so mundane inside. Sure, they may shiny and new on the outside, but I always thought they were hollow and fake on the inside. Back in the 1980s, the modernized the inside of the chapel. They installed the briar patch sticker fabric on the walls and added padded cushions to bottom part of the pews. There's been a
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8 days ago
Just wish him the best.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 days ago
There are always snobs in every ward/branch. Maybe they are trying harder on social media because church activities are so fewer. Church is shorter. Maybe if you act like the ward snob, you might get assigned all those undesirable callings. Maybe snobs are keeping their entitled opinions to themselves.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 days ago
Sorry, what materialism? A bunch of chairs and vases? Each room barely has a painting and plants on a tiny table. Am I missing something?
Forum: Recovery Board
14 days ago
Keep members interested in the church until Nelson croaks.
Forum: Recovery Board
15 days ago
I think the correct Mormon answer is to build more temples; at least 15.
Forum: Recovery Board
15 days ago
That's what the church through Rusty is now teaching with asterisk/footnotes in his GC talks. That you can be obedient, follow Christ, pay your tithing and nothing good will result. Far from perfect, I had been serving a mission for a year, was making a conscientious effort to follow every mission rule, yea even the dumb ones like eating cracked wheat. And what yielded? Lost my grandmother
Forum: Recovery Board
15 days ago
Sitting in a local restaurant, I was enjoying lunch with my wife. Some unknown dick, came up to me and slapped me on the back. He started asking me about Stacy, the kids and some company that I presume is where "Ted" works. I was in total shock and disbelief. After the oaf calls me Ted about a half dozen times and my wife keeps staring and shrugging- Who is this guy? Finally, the
Forum: Recovery Board
15 days ago
They Don't Give a Damn. They would be so beloved in communities if they were building water treatment plants, which actually increase property values.
Forum: Recovery Board
16 days ago
I drove by my bank. The church and I both worship the same currency.
Forum: Recovery Board
18 days ago
Utah woman caught pulling down another woman's skirt because it was showing too much. Messy adds- I grew up in the church outside of Utah and observed members taking matters into their own hands on many occasions. This story is unfathomable to most, but to those of us who grew up interacting with wackos experienced stuff like this all the time.
Forum: Recovery Board
18 days ago
I'm really pissed today. I'm the guy who was chastised, rebuked and humiliated at a youth activity for bringing 2 liter soda (Sunkist brand) and Eagle brand potato chips. The Sunkist was a word of wisdom violation- it wasn't a "known" caffeine loaded Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper or Mt. Dew. Somehow orange Crush was ok, but Sunkist was a no-no. Both the soda and chips were confiscated.
Forum: Recovery Board
19 days ago
They were sent to the mission president's home for recuperation. Of the three whom I knew had been sent for the MP's wife to take care of them, I never saw or heard of them again. I believe that they were sent home due to nervous breakdowns and panic attacks. One crashed the missionary vehicle. Another one was hearing voices. The Holy Ghost told her that her companion was leading her astray
Forum: Recovery Board
20 days ago
My mom wasn't so picky. She didn't make iced tea, but we had a set which were perfect for mixing chocolate syrup with milk. But so many others in the ward were concerned about the appearance of evil. A bunch of us would interrupt Brother Blowhard's singing on the way to the temple. As we passed the massive Budweiser brewery plant, We would shout in unison "This Bud's for You! The f
Forum: Recovery Board
20 days ago
messygoop I don't understand this. This wasn't even addressed by Nelson at GC.
Forum: Recovery Board
21 days ago
I was given a cheaply made one. I think primary teachers made us memorize a set of scriptures to earn one. One day I took the ring with a handful of pennies. Had a great day of watching the train in my town flatten pennies. The ring became part of the steel rail. Great outcome for a piece of junk.
Forum: Recovery Board
21 days ago
I have a fractured youth where the youth leaders promised to stop for late lunch or early dinner after a youth temple trip. Keep in mind, the temple was 2.5 to 3 hours one way depending on traffic and how fast Brother Blowhard would drive. Blowhard loved to hear himself sing LDS hymns and he was so out of it that he didn't pay attention to slow moving trucks. Remember the days of agriculture truc
Forum: Recovery Board
22 days ago
I don't think so. CTR sort of worked until people discovered the lies of the church. It leads to severe cognitive dissonance. In the long run, it works against the church.
Forum: Recovery Board
22 days ago
I think that makes sense about marketing to young members. I think soda sales are way down. I am observing less of their product in other people's cart. The cost of their product has risen steadily.
Forum: Recovery Board
22 days ago
There was a high councilor who was invited to an explorer activity~ these priest age young men (16 yr olds) who were rafting or canoeing at a lake. Someone in the group brought a six pack of Pepsi and this guy went berserk. Not only did he take away the soda while in their hands he slapped the guy who brought the filth to the activity. The whole group had to attend a special stake fireside whi
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