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1 year ago
Thanks, Summer! :)
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Dave the Atheist Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I have never ever sinned. +1 Amen, bro. And many posting here don't seem to understand that neither has anyone else. :)
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
When I saw her pic they looked like brothers. How come these people aren't translated or raptured or ruptured? The magic is weak with mormondumb's leaders.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Thanks, Beth! Nice to see you, too! :D
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
The church used to say, "Every member a missionary!" Now it can say, "Every member gets a temple! YOU get a temple and YOU get a temple! Look under your seats, everyone! Those are the melkookazet priesthood keys to your VERY OWN TEMPLE!" watch a crappy film about fatuous, inaccurate beliefs.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Erected. Haha. It's symbolic because it's true.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
When I think how ignorant I was about the goofy gospel it makes me mad how they exploit the innocent kids. I think the internet has changed that. It's hard to be ignorant today like it was back in the 60s and 70s.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Nothing says "I know nothing and never look beneath the surface" like an article by PFS.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
That was absolutely worth the read! And the lamanites had it coming because they killed the nephites in a dramatic battle involving hundreds of thousands of deaths by warriors wielding steel swords riding on thousands of horses while MORON-i lugged about 300 lbs of gold plates. It's just such a beautiful story.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
He doesn't kill and eat them! The Good Shepherd resurrects them! It's the only explanation for empty sheep graves! Do you know NOTHING about artiodactyla theology?
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
But isn't it nice to know that we have a prophet of god today to guide us and give us solutions to our problems? Like this? Think of all the things that prophets have told us, like the suns and stars get their light from Kolob? "Screw auto-trains," they say! "Kolob is what's important!"
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
I just read this article in the Trib that Sandra is closing shop and the properties are being demolished. I have lived within minutes of UTLM for 30 years and never stopped by but when I read many of the things Sandra and Jerald researched and published they had a huge impact on my eventual understanding of how mendacious the cult really was. But I could never understand how they couldn't m
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
It's titled "The Mormon pioneers wouldn’t trade us places? I doubt it." It's kinda cute but it has some pretty funny lines in it. Here's an excerpt that illustrates how the Morg deals in fear: >>>>> “People often say the pioneers wouldn’t trade us places because our challenges toda
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Is the "singularity" that new thong garment? Asking for a friend.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
No sweat. Thanks for the NBC link. Fascinating how humans have ferociously held on to stupid ideas right down to today when we can fly to the moon. Our brains are locked in the crazy notions of the past! Thanks for the info!
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Isn't it frightening that SCOTUS is full of these nutcase religious pukes now? I mean, Ginni is just the tip of the insurrectionist iceturd. It's turds all the way down!
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Hi, Dagny! :)
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Ditto. And it took on more meaning as I began to see how religion was a mind-f***. The way they parody sects like "WE MUST FOLLOW THE GORD!!!" "NO, no we must follow the shoe, the SHOE!!!!" "No no we must cast off shoes like he has done!" And then our own holy bulls*** with death oaths rather than reveal one of the names of the tokens in the temple is our fi
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Thanks, Blind. Is there a transcript of the npr piece and, if so, could you post it? I googled but found nothing yet. I was pretty impressed with his details about the text messages and how they were so full of nutty ideas. He pointed out how the cult mentality of Qanon mimics religious nutjobs. They seem to use the same empty-headed devotions to people instead of facts. And I've felt fo
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Hey Elder! You too! Thanks!
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
That interview is what got me interested in reading his book. I bought it immediately. It's great. He describes cults and how the Trump cult/ Qanon/ Xian fundamentalism/ Mormonsism all work the same... and why it was so hard for him to deprogram.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
I haven't posted for years, and am not sure this post will get past the censors because it has some political references. I posted years ago as Brian-the-Christ and BTC. Haven't checked in often but have to credit RfM for helping me land on my feet after leaving Nutcase Land in the late 90s early 2000s. I've just read a book called The Breach by Denver Riggleman. It just came out today and
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Thanks and nice to see so many familiar posters. TOL says hi to everyone, too.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I had a companion who was sent home because he didn't confess before his mission and the girl he had sex with ratted him out. If the MP found out about it, it would surprise me if s/he got to stay.
Forum: Recovery Board