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10 years ago
munchybotaz Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > n/t IMO, the main body issue Mormon women have is the firm doctrine that their bodies are not their own. Their bodies, in Mormonism, belong to their husbands. So the women can never be "good" (i.e., sexy) enough, and their whole purpose is to make babies to pass on the gene pool of their husbands. Tha
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Don't forget Immanuel Swedenborg and the whole Plan of Salvation thing.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Per Carl Sagan, the phrase "the world's most accurate psychic" is like "the world's tallest dwarf". There are no psychics. Never have been, never will be. Period, full stop. That is not to say they are all frauds- some of them may really believe they have special powers, and are therefore merely delusional. But for anyone else to believe their claims is just plain stupid.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
How about "Tobacco is Like Love", by Tobias Hume, around 1570? Look it up.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
My favorite is the sectionon opposition in all things. I have never once met a mormon who understood this section. They fixate on the first line, and bastardize it to justify their persecution complex. Its real meaning- which anyone can discover by the arcane philosophical technique known as "reading the rest of it" -is the essence of Taoism- yin and yang and the rest. It is all about o
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
IMO: in Mormonism, the whole point is to make you believe that you are never good enough not to be willing to confess anything you have ever done in your entire life. No, there is no official list, because everything you do is subject to condmenation by the leadership simply because you are you. You are made to constantly question every decision you make and let those decisions be subject to offi
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Quick question: what kind of whiskey (or whisky) did Brigham Young order the Saints to haul with them over the plains to Salt Lake? This is not a rhetorical question. It really happened. What kind would they have toted in 1846/47?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
What if his kids don't want to be stuck with him forever? I for one see little benefit to me or anybody else in staying under the patronage/control of my father. It relates to Tolstoy's observation about how happy families are all happy alike but unhappy families are all different. The concept assumes that everybody in the family wants to be there. It also assumes that every family member
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Several recent posts here have asked about the Second Anointing or Second Endowment. It is virtually unknown among non-members, and among even most Mormons. Several posters opine about the theological meanings, etc. May I be so bold as to point out the real problem with this ceremony (I am not the first)? The real problem is not the caste system in the next life. The real problem is the caste
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I think the greatest hypocrisy is found in the leaders, who claim they are God's representatives while doing their utmost to judge, condemn and control anybody and everybody who poses a challenge to their status.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
You claim that your subject is off topic; that is, unrelated to the main theme of problems with Mormonism. Actually TSCC is over-populated by moon-shot conspiracy theorists. Sad but true.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I was one of the first to serve under the mission president who succeeded Hibbert. I vividly remember that not a single one of Hibbert's group had anything nice to say about him. Why do you ask?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
But wait a minute- why did they not get a message from God months ago that a big storm was coming? I thought they had a direct line?????
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I offer a small parable. There once was a youg lady from Africa who was offered a job in England as a domestic. When she got to England she learned that her real job was as a sex worker. She continued in that profession because before she left Africa the employment agency had put a curse on her should she ever defy them and try to quit her job. She just couldn't make the connection:l if they l
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
How about: lie.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Hold on a minute- I thought it was God who shaped the church???? To paraphrase a sacred motion picture: why does God need YSAs???
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Wonderful!! I jut did a search for Keynes, and was reassured that ETB really did feel it important in a GC talk to bad-mouth Keynesian econimics (apologies to Steve Benson). Twice, actually. One if his diatribes itself gave this gem of a quote from Karl Maeser: Said Karl G. Maeser, " I would rather have my child exposed to smallpox, typhus fever, cholera, or other malignant and deadly dis
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Never mind. Someone else already said what I wanted to say, and I didn't read clolsely enough.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
The temple robes are extremely close to the garb worn by Freemasons- or at least some Freemasons in the 19th century. The Freemason ceremonies are not divine. Deal with it.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Speaking for myself, I will never say that there is no possibility of the existence of a god. That is trying to prove a negative. What I can say with 100% certainty is that there is nobody yet in the whole history of humanity who has come up with anything like independently verifiable evidence of such a being. The central problem has dawned on me over several decades. It is this: God, as usua
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Get him a book espousing an alternative viewpoint, such as "An Insider's View" or something by Michael Quinn.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
There are two facts. First, the Second Coming is always just around the corner. In every place and in every time, everybody in the churches is 100% convinced that their time is the most portentious of all. Second: there is no Second Coming. Not really. Which leads to the quesion: why does everybody think there is? The answer comes when we rephrase the problem. The fact is that these people
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
It sounds more and more like "I was just following orders".
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The problem, as somebody else said in this forum, is that "we" (church members) are expected to treat "them" (the G-15) as if they are supernatural even when they are not.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
When my mother was a Young Women's leader, sometime in the early sixties, she took some movies of camp activites and showed them to us kids. One of the scenes involved the young women cavorting in the lake, in front of a camera, in their underwear. As in bras and panties. How times change.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I have nothing but pity for this poor misguided boy. I mean that in all seriousness.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
axeldc Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What about the McCains and of course, the Bushes? > Both Bush Presidents grew up privileged. > > The GOP used to be self-made men like Nixon, > Reagan and Dole. Their last 3 nominees are the > biggest silver spoons we've ever seen. JFK was > only 2nd generation wealthy. You are missing th
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
If I may take this to a deeper level: everybody needs to read and understand Joseph Campbell, Sir James Frazer and Carl Jung. Every ritual in the whole history of humanity is linked to every other one. Yes, our rituals are based around the Jesus story and/or the agricultural significance of the winter solstice. But we must always remember that every ritual goes much deeper, and is in fact an outw
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Let's call them by their proper names. They are courts-martial, dealing with presumed deserters and traitors.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I see it a little differently. Lately I have started to see Mormonism in a new light, and IMO it explains a lot. The justice vs. compassion thing is certainly a big part of it. But IMO, the problem is somewhat larger. The problem arises when you see the world in terms of a military conflict. They see Satan as the leader of a relentless military strike force. The Saints see thermselves as always u
Forum: Recovery Board