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11 years ago
It's only a matter of time before TSCC ecnourages its young female missionaries to present themselves as sexually available to men who show an interest in hearing the message of the Restoration. That's my prediction, anyway. Any thoughts?
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
When I was a kid we took our ward's Road Show to Salt Lake City for Midyear Conference. On a rented bus for the whole cast.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Who would Jesus exclude from the sacrament?????
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
They see the world in terms of a war, and they are the generals. They will never think otherwise, unless enough of "us" keep harping onn the theme that there is no war,there is no Second Coming- people are people, just trying to make it through their lives as best they can. Those are my thoughts.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
As far as #1: I can mislead the church as well as they can. When do I get a turn? Or does God deliberately tells the "prophet" what can only be described as outright lies, in order to see if we can figure it out? As for #2: please explain why you need a church to give you positive influences on your life. I don't.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
With apologies to Gayphilosopher,I am hereby offereing my own opinion on what the LDS church needs to do to maintain its status as a serious religiopn. The answer is really quite simple. It is this: THE LDS CHURCH NEEDS TO GET GOD TO SHOW HIS FACE!!!!!! HIS REAL, PHYSICAL FACE- NOT SOME VAGUE FEELING THAT ONE HAS BEEN "TOUCHED BY GOD" OR SIMILAR HOOEY. THE ONLY THING THAT WOULD MAKE
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
It has happened- I know of one case.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The irony is so palpable. Acccording to Elaine Pagels, "The Devil" was primarily invented by the early church, and was defined specifically as "that which contradicts the Church". (That's not a direct quote, but rather a summary of her thesis- see "The Origins of Satan". And we see the same pattern now. Whatever challenges TSCC is personified into a supernatural,
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The Christians did not sacrifice anybody. The Romans did. Then the Christians came up with an explanation in contemporary terms, namely that of religious sacrifice. At the time everybody sacrificed. The Christians merely used the metaphor.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
No, they are not ashamed of it. Most of the males are quite eager for it to return. Most of the TBM females would particpate in a heartbeat if the "Prophet" told them to. It is an undercurrent in Mormonism that will never go away as long as Mormonism defines itself in terms of patriarchy.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Once again, we see how Mormons are taught to value women solely on the basis of their ability to sexually please men.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Lilith Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I am discouraged this morning. I have just about > given up on my fifth blood pressure drug. THEY say > Diovan and other ARBs have few side effects but I > have had severe muscle and joint pain this past > month after starting it. I expected it to be the > answer. Sucks. > > I am considering
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I am reminded of a quote from that Star Trek movie.... Maybe God really does need a space ship??? Got ya there, Captain Kirk!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
My MP's wife wasn't hot by any means. She was rather self-obsessed. Looking back, it was pretty obvious who was in charge in that family and in the mission. BTW, it's "acronym", not "anachronism". "Anachronism" usually means "outmoded"
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
burnned Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > well, if Mr. Snuffer actually Likes and Wants to > be an active member of TSCC, I would say it could > be psychologically damaging to him. So > excommuncation would be a bad idea for him. If > LDS, Inc... wanted to be nice and understanding > (and actually loyal meaning Caring about their own > k
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
IMO (I know this is a little convoluted, but hear me out): I have come to the conclusion that making Jesus divine absolves us from the moral imperative to actually do what he said. When we make him a god, then his teachings morph into demonstrations of his spiritual superiority, and we thereby place them far beyond the abilities of any of us mortal to actually follow them. The then game becomes
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I've never heard of John Tanner in this context. Where is the documentaion? I have heard of a John Tanner in another context- namely, the title character in G. B. Shaw's "Don Juan". Comments?
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I remember seeing one like this, around 1968, in which Utah's folklore was represented by the Three Nephites. At the time I did not realize how pervasive the stories about these figures was.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I remember when, my family's social circle, the Twist was a sure sign of social decadence presaging the Second Coming of Christ. I kid you not.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Thanks. And I do remember now that it was 1987.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Mr. Benson- if this is too personal, feel free to ignore it. But in my endless quest to understand the minds of our church leaders, do you have any thoughts on the motivation behind your grandfather's attack on women wanting to become employed (I think it was 1981)?
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Per John J. Robinson (whom I keep citing in these pages): Freemasonry did indeed originate in the middle ages, but not as a trade guild- at least not at first. It originated in the early 1300's as a way to keep alive the Order of the Knights Templars. Their job was to protect the site of Solomon's temple. That is the Solomon connection. The oaths, passwords/signs and depictions of penalties were
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
honestone Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------ > > I was appalled to hear that women can not be part > of the blessing in the LDS church. Only men. Boy, > right there I-a female- would be gone for good. Actually, there was a time when women could be part of the blessing. But no women actually tried to do it. I guarantee that before around 1980 (I'm
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
"My Name is Trinity"!!!!!! Watch it!!! The whole movie is about a drifter (Terence Hill)'s attempts to save a group of Mormon pioneers. It is hilarious. And Paint Your Wagon. The whole plot revolves around the reverse polygamy of the two male leads and the one female lead.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Stray Mutt Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Facial hair among Mormons went out of favor with > the McKay administration. It was part of an effort > to change the image of the church from polygamist > hicks to normal contemporary people. In the > general world, beards had been out of style for > several decades before Mormons got a clue. Now
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
It all makes sense when you realize where God comes from. There is no external, objective, self-existent being who created the cosmos. God is a personification of each individual's sense of self. And this sense of self is so important to some people- not all- that they will endow it with any and all attributes that they need to in order to protect it. They make it the source and reason for everyt
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The Illuminati were not illuminated. They thought they were. And that is the whole problem with those who are drawn to such societies. I keep reminding people that the place to look for the true sources of religious belief is in the psychological needs from each believer's mental makeup.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
JasonK Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Rapture essentially an evangelical concept > that righteous believers will be caught up into > heaven, leaving behind the world. The general > idea, though, permeates all of christianity which > much debate over pre- and post- millenialists and > exactly what the disposition of the righteous and
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
tomie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Bible says NO one knows when he will return. Yes, we all know what the Bible says. But that is not the problem, IMO. IMO, the problem is that so many people have such a psychological need for some sort of external validation, and the Last Days conceit provides exactly that. In their construct, the whole point to
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
JasonK Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No. I understand that in England, Orson Hyde had > promised someone who became part of one of the > companies that they would reach Salt Lake City, > which they did. > The sampling is not exactly unbiased. We would never hear from those who were promised they would survive but inconveniently didn't a
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