Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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13 years ago
It's one thing to despise the fraudulent organization, and yet another to reject it's victims. There are many wonderful and loving Mormon people who are in desperate need of positive role models outside of the faith. It's easy to blame the victim, but something to consider.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
212. link
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
The Pagan symbols on the Salt Lake temple don't some to bother anyone.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I heard that they had started taking email request, but I believe that will only start the process. Surely they will need to positively confirm that it was you who actually sent the email. It seems that the most logical way would be for the local leadership to contact you directly. If they just acted on the resignations without confirmation of identity can you imagine the pranks that would
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
215. Re: +2
Godwin's Law strikes again! I love it.'s_law
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I guess I'm giving both her parents and the bishop the benefit of the doubt that they are rational and loving, but you are right. She knows them and most likely has a pretty good idea how they will react. If anything ever came between me and my daughter like this I can assure you I would defend her with all my might.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Apparently my spell checker won't protect me from all my blunders! Thanks
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Go get a copy of Under the Tuscan Sun. You'll love it I promise, and I think it will give you something to think about.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Susie, you know I love ya, but I think you are wrong about the bishop but especially wrong about not telling her parents. Once her parents know the whole of it, they will rally to support her emotionally. What parent wouldn't? Even in their religiosity, they will recognize that an "eternal family" is impossible under these circumstances and encourage their daughter to extricate her
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Anger could lead you to become very vindictive and bitter. The temptation to destroy your soon to be ex is completely understandable. There are no children to consider, so your path is very clear. It seems that you are still active in the church. If that is your intent, and since your "ex" has involved the bishop, I would meet with the bishop privately and explain the circumstance
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
In another thread we learned the the mormon church has spent $80k in legal fees over a one month period rather than simply comply with UK law with regard to records transparency. (you know it's sacred not secret) At any rate, the information is revealed during a presentation on the legal issues currently facing the church. During the presentation William Atkin lists the staff members of the Off
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I listened to Atkin's entire speech. I first noticed and then began to listen intently to the content for gender bias. Atkin lists his staff of area legal council and then even discusses a special missionary position created for retired attorneys. NOT ONE WOMAN in the 2 dozen or so lawyers mentioned. He even condescendingly mentions that particularly with the missionary couples called that
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Not in the movie, but he played to role of Satan in the live endowment (live actors not a movie) in the Salt Lake Temple, which does not use the movie.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Sherlock, congrats on the jail break. I know it seems so overwhelming at first, and then as time passes you start wondering what all the fuss was about. I just realized today, I don't even know who the new third member of the First Presidency is and if I didn't know Uchdorf personally, I probably wouldn't have remembered him either, and I'm not even curious enough to look it up!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hey DS! Good to see you too. I've been checking back on the board for the past few days, not sure, something just sparked the desire to check in. I've only bumped into a few of the old timers, which is how it should be. Part of recovery is moving on. Nothing wrong with checking in once in a while though.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
The Solitary Journey Is it possible to actively dissuade someone of their long held religious beliefs or to entice them uninvited on a road of self discovery? Does it matter or is it useful to make public declarations of unbelief? Well I have to admit the idea is fun to muse over. In the end though, I don't think it would be all that influential. Why? Because the road out of Mormonism is on
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
YOU will have to draw your own map rather than understanding one laid out to you by someone else. I wish you well on your journey.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Edmarc, The solitary journey is a difficult journey, and feeling alone and even lost is part of it. You are in the midst of changing the maps that have guided your life. Ultimately the peace you look for will only be found when you let go of the dogma that has controlled you thus far. When you realize there are very few absolutes, that others may think differently and act differently than
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
There are a lot of things to be upset over. This doesn't seem like a big one to me. Keep your powder dry and save your ammo on this one.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I'm so glad that my words can sometimes find their intended target. It makes the effort more than worth while. Many of us here have walked the same trails and taken the same solitary journey. When we find each other, when we learn that others' are on the path with us, souls connect and we find comfort that was there all along. RfM is more than a bulletin board, it is a lifeline.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Not because your father wasn't masculine Not because of your prepubescent exploration Not because of his mannerisms all those are nothing more than stereotype disinformation. BUT He spent at least two years arranging one night stands with men on the internet. That doesn't leave much to ponder.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Buddha taught as one of the four eternal truths that “life is suffering”. But it is through that suffering that we grow and develop. We escape the traditions and dogma of our parents and their parents by virtue of that growth. It is through this process that we create our own unique spirituality. The real answers to life do not come from a pulpit or from between two blue book covers. We ar
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I think it's a little more complicated by that. Mormon men are intimidated by women who they don't think will be receptive to their priesthood based dominance. They have to live in the real world all week at work, so at church they like to play alphamale. They don't want that challenged, hence they shy away when you show up in your non traditional garb. They are afraid you might be a professi
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
rum balls are little round cakes with rum flavoring (or sometimes actually made with rum but not in an all you can eat place). Even if they are made with real rum, the alcohol is cooked out. Maybe she was offended by the balls. :) All this talk of balls and bums, well it's just overwhelming, you know kinda like Kate Winslet's breast in Titanic.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Well, I'm no more Christian than I am Mormon. I consider myself agnostic but hopeful. If you turn the same skeptical eye toward Christianity that you most likely have toward Mormonism, it doesn't take long to get there. I was not not excommunicated but rather I had my name removed from the records nearly 10 years ago just a few months after returning from the mission field. Toward the end of
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Bignevermo! Thanks for rising to my defense I appreciate your kind words. Based on my interaction with Sonoma on a previous thread he's obviously very passionate, even angry over the treatment of the LGBT community by the Church. No one can blame him. I soon recognized that his reactions are based on his own personal experiences over many years and that none of us should take his outburst per
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
As have I George Q. In fact, the site has an obituary section of gay mormons that have committed suicide. It was that very issue that brought me to the conclusion of futility in trying to be a member of a club that hates you.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
A few years ago I wrote about my experiences as a mission president counseling with a particular gay elder. Parts of the essay that I wrote and posted here even appeared as an editorial piece I wrote for the Salt Lake Trib. I was proud of that article and I believe it provoked introspection and maybe even softened a few hearts. I was thrilled to have been contacted by Eric Ethington, a gay act
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
He had about six months to go to finish his mission. He was a life long Mormon and loved the Church and the gospel. I transferred him to an assignment near me and we talked frequently. I did some research and found an organization in Salt Lake called Affirmation, which is a group of LGBT Mormons. He did some reading on their site as well. Ultimately I felt that the Affirmation group was more
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board