Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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2 years ago
And what if a conspiracy is true? Even paranoids have enemies, right? Should we discuss your conspiracy theories? Should be censored? Can't swing a cat of questionable life-status around here without hitting one of your pet theories. Contradict the CDC? Please, even the self-contradicting Dr. Fauci contradicts the CDC, the preeminent authority on infectious diseases with a string of politi
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Do the three Pfizer scientists not exist? Did they not say what they are recorded saying? Does it really matter who recorded what they said? I thought The Washington Times coverage would lend the story some gravitas. BTW - I have not taken it personally, nor am I complaining. I simply observed that I was deleted. I thought that my amusement was apparent by my mocking "Oh my". Perhaps
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
I understand all of that, and I wasn't claiming that my 1st Amendment right was being violated by this board. I did nothing more than state that free speech and healthy debate did not exist here...the "here" part being implied since I didn't go off on a rant that I have a right as an American to say anything I want. I am curious about what it was that I wrote that was so offensive to
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Oh my, was I deleted? Free speech and healthy debate must truly be dead.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
My wife becomes more and more inactive with each successive week, though she still insists to her sister and friends from church that she is still active. She's only been to church twice this year, she has no callings, and has begged off any offer of a calling because of how busy she is. Further evidence of her inactivity was this latest conference. I had gotten it all set up for her to watch
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Yeah. Sure. Why not? What's your point? They can may look like Hulk Hogan for as much as I care. The further out on the limb they want to go, the better. If they and other religions want to portray a Middle Eastern messiah figure as a Northern European model, who am I to correct such an obvious delusion that may serve to give prospective converts a moment of pause? Why get in their way when
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I'm iteray fabbergasted. I gave up on Facebook years ago. The rules just seemed so arbitrary and inconsistently enforced, with no recourse but to accept your punishment.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
But they're still special witnesses to the name of Christ...right?
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Tyson is clearly not an etymologist. The origin of the word "Godspeed" is the Middle English phrase "God spede", meaning "God prosper you". "Spede" is the Middle English origin of the word "speed", meaning good luck, prosperity, and even rapidity (which is the accepted modern meaning of the word). It is not "God's speed", particul
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
"Devil went down to Georgia...*click*" It was actually my dad who couldn't stand it. We still joke about the vacation we took where he would turn off the car radio as soon as it came on.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Even though I was at the opposite side of the house working in my home office, my wife yelled for me to come and watch Nelson's "Proclamation"..."You have to watch this! It's a proclamation by President Nelson. Years from now they'll be talking about this just as they do about the Family Proclamation. We're watching history!" It was nothing more than a sanitized-for-mass-co
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
The simple reality is that sh!t's been happening since time immemorial, be it natural disasters, plagues, wars, you name it. They weren't signs of great portent then, nor are they signs of anything now. They are what we make of them, and hopefully we can make them lessons to learn from as to how we and our descendants respond to future sh!t.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Yeah, there is some pollution there, but it's hard to determine whether it is from an individual or just something absorbed from the toxic environment. There was a period where my wife stated several times that she felt that she had to make a choice between me or the church. This struck me as a bit odd since I was doing nothing to prevent her attending church or following her callings. Hell, I
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
My wife met with her bishop (Bob...I'm not going to continue referring to him as "Bishop") last Sunday, and Bob told her much the same. He and Justin are probably reading from the same script. Bob said that Russ's move months ago to shorten Sunday meetings and to promote home study was in response to a revelation of this current pandemic.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I'm a nevermo with a TBM wife; at least, she was when we married. She had every expectation that I would convert, though I had repeatedly told her that I never would, and that it was more likely that she would leave if I shared with her everything I learned about Mormonism, including from their own website. The first two or three years of our marriage had ugly arguments whenever the subject of
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Do you also have an Uncle Umlaut?
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
He could at least call and confirm his appointment. Right? It's only polite.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
"Glow little glow-worm, glow and glimmer" TBMs are but little glimmering glow-worms who's glowy-ness makes them more vulnerable to those who would prey upon them for their glimmer.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
If it is a test, who is administering it? Perhaps we could rename it the Higgs-Boson Virus, and it's spread via god particulates.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I have in-laws who have explicitly stated that, had the Founding Fathers lived til 1830 they would have proudly declared themselves Mormon. That even before there was Mormonism, the Founding Fathers were Mormon in spirit. Conversations with the in-laws are a veritable minefield. There is virtually nothing "good" in society that wasn't caused by Mormons nor developed solely for their
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Males dancing on a pole for a change.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
That was funny. Though my wife insists she's Mormon, she has told me of similar encounters she's had with people who thought she had left the church. She wants to scream, "I'm still Mormon! I haven't left the church! Yes, my new husband is not a member, but he's not the reason I haven't been as active as I have in the past. I've just been too busy with with the drama of my crazy Mom and adul
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
They don't want to know what you know. I'm nevermo, and when I married my wife she was very much TBM. She isn't so much now, but she has frequently said (as recently as last week, in fact) that she wants to be an active member like she used to be. She'll share a beer with me, she has no callings, and misses more SMs than she attends. But that's not really the point of my response. The poin
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
We will definitely need a unique color for The Greg...I'm not good with sharing, including designations. The Greg
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
My wife and I both had it, and are just now getting past it. All said, it took about three weeks for it to run its course. Even when we weren't vomiting, we felt like we could at any minute. My wife slept with a bucket on her side of the bed, and even then she was unable to avoid vomiting in bed. I had it a little better than my wife, but I was still miserable for most of the duration. The pit
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
You have Kentucky Fried Chicken down the street? There is a god!
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
The only difference is that the former was made up out of whole-clothe and the latter is merely a cheap knock-off of the former. This is just another bit of Mormonism where I have to shake my head and wonder how anybody (not you, anybody) can look at Mormonism and not immediately reject it as complete and utter bull-crap.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
The difference, kori, is that: --Somebody asked them in some sense or another, and they answered in a manner that they thought would satisfy. --Nobody asked you; and when you answered the unasked question anyway, we asked you to stop...repeatedly. Your answer to the unasked question does not satisfy. As others have said, we don't need to a term coined by theists to describe scientific c
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Whenever I have to read the KJV (or BoM, by extension) or hear somebody quote it, my eyes glaze over and I can almost literally feel a part of my brain atrophying.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I believe I'm telling the truth when I tell you I think your story is true; especially the part about how the top floor of the COB broke out in celebration. I'm sure kori has long been a thorn in their collective tushies.
Forum: Recovery Board