Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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6 years ago
Yeah maybe I should turn into a sunday reporter. show up. take notes for RFM and actually get something out of three hours of bad talks and thankamonies. Badass I dunno about you but sometimes I feel that mean and mad dude underneath bubbling up bit by bit. Trying to let it out little by little. Kinda like farting on a first date, you let it seep out just enough to relieve some pressure but s
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
My wife and I are keen on seeing murder on the orient express. Don't know why but we are almost creepily into murder stories--real and fiction. star wars isn't my cup of tea but I'm sure I'll watch it anyways.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Soooo... anyone else on here going through the motions and absolutely tired of it? In a previous thread I determined with help from the board that I should "shelve" my doubts (to the bishop that is-- these puppies ain't shelved for me!) and finish my last year at BYU pretending to be OK with all of this so as not to risk expulsion and not getting into med school. And I thought t
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Sure do gatorman First off, I applied to 40 schools.... hopeful this isn't my only interview. But as a back up plan for not getting in to school at all, I am going to take a year to work (preferably in a hospital or clinic) then reapply for next year. If i don't get in again, I am thinking of PA school or getting into pharma sales with my pops. Thoughts?
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
yeah why put it off on the 18-20 year olds to do for everyone else. I think its funny that i have zero memories of my mission president street contacting or proselyting like he had us doing. I never hear about the prophets or apostles preaching the restoration in public (aside from conferences). They mostly interact with the public in a see-we're-not-as-weird-as-you-think attitude and try to invo
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Thanks helenm I will definitely get an update on here after the interview. Been prepping a ton for this. Your kindness is much appreciated!
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Yeah I did this and GW invited me for a personal tour but no interview quite yet! Maybe to see if I'm serious first?
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
If you didn't already know, this is a pretty big deal (at least to me!). Many schools receive thousands and thousands of applications and only interview between 3 and 500 of the applicants. Only about 60-170 students are admitted per med school. Pretty rigorous stuff. Just got invited to interview at military med school in Maryland. Any doctors or good-vibers that have some real words of wisdo
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Haha Mr. Gator your wife sounds like a champ. I laughed HARD the first time we caught our dog watching. She gets jealous that I give my wife more attention than her. LOL
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
if the church added the death oaths to the great big list of "essays"?? Yeah they'll never do that. I would be curious about what they could possibly say to try to apologize for that one though.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
LOL actually from what my TBM brother says they can indeed partake of wholesome herbs. He lives in Colorado and uses wholesome herbs. Never was prescribed them of course. He's in the bishopric and the bishop and high counselor that recommended him for the job knows he partakes. I guess they treat the green wholesome herb like an over the counter medicine?
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
If the word of wisdom is a commandment, how come mormons aren't vegetarian during summer months and why can't they drink mild barley drinks? its all in section 89.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Thanks for the follow up gatorman, I have been officially rejected at 8 out of the 40 i applied to. Last week I started calling a few schools to let them know when I would be in the area for potential interviews (if my application was being considered that far)--this was a recommendation from a doctor I met last year. I'm fairly pleased with how its worked. Many of the schools "put a note
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Marry her and marry her fast (MP) Thank goodness I didn't. Met the best girl with so little drama compared to the chick I almost shackled myself to on whim. Crazy to think I let a dude I barely met try to make decisions for my whole life.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
To TBM's its the milk before the meat. How can we get people to believe us that god commanded us to have 600 wives each? Let's get them to believe that there were jews in america first. How can we get them to believe that they'll build their own planet and have spirit sex forever but have to give up coffee or else they can't have family in the next life? Let's get them to believe that jesus came
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Anyone read a really good response to this talk by Holland? It's my TBW's go-to about the book of mormon. All I know is that at the point he was at, denying the Book of Mormon wasn't going to save Joe anyways. Don't know why Holland makes it sound like they gave him an ultimatum and he took the BoM to his grave. Also, I get the masonic background of his last words and the fact that he shot back i
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Ha! Never ever never ever. Oh wait... When I was inactive for the first time in high school, I was arrested for underage drinking on father's day while visiting old friends. You can imagine how that phone conversation from the station went with my dad. Anyways, it came out that part of the reason the party was busted was because of a girl I hooked up with, her dad was the fuzz. I know I know,
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Calling on science to back this up, the evolution of the human race naturally selected for communal behaviors. Psychologists find examples of this in the brain that actually explain quite a lot of religious behaviors (other animals have developed "religions" of their own). Plus, many mammals with similar gestation period lengths and child-raising strategies show highly communal behavior
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
There are an unseemly amount of things that SHOULD have made me suspicious from the beginning. The first thing that DID make me suspicious was the wifery. I'm no perfect husband but how can any sane dude handle the cognitive dissonance that he must have put up with. Not to mention the inevitable issues between women. Sheesh that raised some flags fast.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
So here's an interesting update. First of all, thanks for the comments everyone. Good to know others have been through the same thing. It's been weird. Anyways, my Bishop was released on Sunday! What a miracle haha. Ironically, for his departing talk, he mentioned meeting recently with a "troubled man" in our ward and continued to rag on doubt. Said that when doubts come, the rea
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Gatorman (and anyone else still reading), When I say I hinted at a separation, I mean in secondary applications. The dreaded personal statement that I consulted with many people on was pretty much void of all things spiritual. No one at BYU has seen the others. Even if they did, they were subtle enough that a mormon would probably think I have a unique opinion, non-mormons would be willing to
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
gatorman Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The catch 22 potential for this kid is enormous. > If he comes out apostate his graduation is > threatened. If he comes out and survives and > doesn’t get into med school it is because he is > apostate. > > I can see the interview now. > > Faculty: Why do you discriminate against ga
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Humberto Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 2. By all means, have a respectful conversation > with your wife. Depending on how that goes, you > may want to then shut up about it until April, > especially if she tends toward a desire to talk to > the bishop or SP about things. You should > discourage this if she brings it up. Tell her that &
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Done & Done Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I had the "aha" moment junior year at BYU. This > was decades ago,Oaks was President, but I knew to > fly under the radar and keep it to myself. I had a > friend who was expelled at the end of his senior > year and had to sue for his transcripts. He was > successful because the c
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Are the people at FAIR employed??? Thought they were just apologists with too much time on their hands
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Jonny the Smoke, I take it you held out till you finished your degree? I'm in a bit of a bind because my Bishop has been "working" with me for a while. I brought up some doubts to him and we meet occasionally. May start getting awkward...
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Hello everyone, Quick background on me: I am a senior at BYU graduating in April. I'm pre-med, already applied to schools and am just waiting for interviews. I am extremely happily married to a TBM who knows that I've been struggling for some time now. A couple of my siblings have left the church recently, stirred up some old doubts of mine and ultimately got me investigating and researching a
Forum: Recovery Board