Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 
SubjectPosts Started By Posted
More about Runtu's book 38 anagrammy04/13/2012 05:52PM
When Did This Board Go From Recovery to Discussion About Everything Romney? 36 Anonn04/19/2012 04:45PM
nevermo q re byu flo04/18/2012 09:17PM
Do you think the church will soften its stance on gays after Packer dies? 16 forbiddencokedrinker04/19/2012 11:17AM
Word of Wisdom oddities 31 house04/18/2012 03:17AM
Another Example Of Emma's Undying Love 4 Joseph As She Tries Everything 2 Get Her Dear Husband 2 Swear Off Coffee & Adhere 2 The WOW...Even This Attempt Failed... BeenThereDunnThatExMo04/19/2012 04:47PM
God loved us so much that he left us all alone volrammos04/19/2012 05:36PM
The thing that made you first doubt- cont. 38 myselfagain03/27/2012 03:55PM
Naked Touching? rander7004/19/2012 04:35PM
On This Day in Mormon History -- April 19 baura04/19/2012 04:37PM
Now here's a REVELATION for the GAs: GNPE04/19/2012 03:54PM
Concise Dictionary of Mormonism: E runtu04/17/2012 05:32PM
have any others here experienced the (spouse) "Perfection" syndrome? GNPE04/19/2012 01:30PM
simple question(S) for missionaries: GNPE04/19/2012 04:10AM
Friend who highly doubts the church can't get past the Joseph Smith story. 15 archaeologymatters04/19/2012 01:08AM
Very interesting article about Mitt, women, his lack of a moral core, and... 10 Stray Mutt04/19/2012 08:56AM
How the cult is "softening their stance" on the LGBT question: xyz04/19/2012 02:48PM
Underwater houses - can you deduct loss in equity from tithing obligation? (n/t) thingsithink04/19/2012 02:18PM
WHOA! THIS could be a problem for Mitt... helamonster04/19/2012 02:32PM
if a cross means Christian, does nothing mean Atheist? 35 freetimenow04/18/2012 11:35AM
What is the Homeless Youth Resources Center and the Food Core Coalition? eldorado04/18/2012 09:53PM
Anyone want to tackle this? 10 mack04/18/2012 11:42PM
Hinkley's Reformation of Mormonism onendagus04/19/2012 01:42PM
Where you told bishops forget what you confess? kjourney04/19/2012 12:46PM
ambivalentmo Harassment- Update 11 ambivalent exmo04/17/2012 04:07PM
Working for the Office of the Presiding Bishopric 11 Mormon Observer04/19/2012 09:55AM
WOW eggs!!! found! Mormon Observer04/19/2012 02:23AM
The Triumph of Christianity--podcast robertb04/19/2012 02:13AM
Common Sense, Perception, Open Minds, and Objectivity sam04/19/2012 08:29AM
Mormon Gender Role Reversal ambivalent exmo04/17/2012 09:29PM
questions for romney obama debate downsouth04/19/2012 09:03AM
Some professionals are still blindly proud of Mormonism Canuck Exmo04/17/2012 03:15PM
Heros from my mission in the Philippines 10 Darksparks04/02/2012 05:55PM
Just got a letter in the mail from "my" bishop 35 Calypso04/16/2012 06:41PM
Interesting story online this morning michael04/19/2012 08:10AM
Concise Dictionary of Mormonism: C 17 runtu04/17/2012 12:05AM
What if 1000 exmos all went back for a year 12 alex71ut04/18/2012 01:22PM
Sometime ago, I did a calculation on how much tithing I had turned over to the Mormon Church . . . 35 steve benson04/18/2012 08:19PM
A little clarification on RPackham's 'Investigating Mormonism.' 23 anon199304/18/2012 07:48AM
Resigning, plus a commemorative tattoo.. Any ideas? movingon2904/18/2012 10:46PM
Attn Exmo gamers - Is Rameumptum online Mormon related? cricket04/19/2012 05:29AM
On This Day in Mormon History -- April 18 baura04/19/2012 04:18AM
On the subject of Hinkley the whistle blower... 10 wasafishinabowl04/18/2012 01:47PM
Since We're on the Topic of the late LDS President Hinkley lately... baabaablacksheep04/18/2012 09:09PM
BYU Prank azexmo04/19/2012 12:11AM
Joseph Smith's Surgery 13 rander7004/17/2012 01:55PM
Mormon Patriarchal Leaders Criticize LDS Feminists for Attacking Teachings on Male-Only Priesthood and for Demonstrating Other "Serious Doctrinal Problems." Vow Action . . . steve benson04/18/2012 10:24PM
Bain executives fired non-mormon employees (link) Villager04/18/2012 09:31PM
I'm a little lonely tonight. 12 Raptor Jesus04/18/2012 11:18PM
If 'modest is hottest' 25 allwhowander04/17/2012 01:04PM
Does anyone know fmr. Bishop Kevin Kloosterman? buddhdayochristian04/18/2012 11:16PM
It's been pretty quiet around RfM lately . . . . tah tah . . . Historical Jesus, Ehrman Ch. 5 33 lulu04/17/2012 07:34PM
I've been seeing a lot of adds from churchs that claim to offer a different experience, and that they are taylored for those who don't feel like they belong in a "regular" church. forbiddencokedrinker04/18/2012 02:20PM
LDS is like Altoids candy... Lostmypassword04/18/2012 12:40PM
Ah-ha! Maybe this is why new converts disappear. 11 Stray Mutt04/18/2012 11:43AM