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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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8 years ago
liminal state
I think mormonism has polluted my sense of spirituality. I can't look at religion, god, or spirit without getting angry, confused, and suspicious. I feel like this religion screwed me over and took my innocence. I also feel this religion has made it hard for me to be honest with myself. So much perfectionism and deceit.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
I see Mormons as people who are innocently gullible to belong, to fit in, to find convenient, prepackaged explanations to life itself, to follow traditions, to make their parents, grandparents, and community leaders happy, to reap the social/economical benefits of being part of a multi-billion dollar religion. They're not insane--just innocent victims of needs and wants.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
I've noticed that Mormons look at life in extreme black and whites, in extreme good and evil. If you eat healthy foods then you're glorifying your body in the name of god, but if you drink coffee or alcohol, then you're possessed by satan and out of control. If you occasionally glance at a Maxim or Playboy magazine, then you're addicted to pornography and a possible pedophile. This reminds
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
I was raised by two TBM parents who were very self-righteous and cruel about being perfect. We weren't allowed to be our true natural selves and it has made me into a confused, bitter, and angry person despite the fact I left the church years ago. This miserable drive for perfection has driven everybody in my family into various forms of addictions, loneliness, and crazy personality faults. I'
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
Since moving to Orem, I've been hostiled out of every job and roommate situation that's been dominated by Mormons. Many of them have this blind, self-righteous bullying attitude towards non/ex-Mormons, and anything that's outside of their religious culture. They have this Dr. Jeckyll/Hyde mentality. One minute they're as friendly and goofy as something out of an Andy Griffith episode, then mea
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
Architectural power. It's to show off how much power you have socially, politically, and economically. The Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians were masters of this kind of influence.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
Marriage, family, job security, social acceptance, fear of living in the real world, fear of being yourself. That's from I've seen living in Utah.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
I've been watching a lot of Christopher Hitchens interviews and he pointed something out that I've never noticed before. Religious people don't defend their religion with their religion. Catholics will defend it with how charitable they are, Muslims defend it by how much they pray, and Mormons will defend it with how many missionaries they have and how "popular" they are (among themse
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
It's depressing that Orem doesn't have a real downtown where diverse groups of people can intermingle and socialize.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
I live in Utah now and put up with the same toxic, Utah Mormon cultural bullsh*t. How did you keep your sanity? I feel I'm losing mine.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
Guilt-tripping and shaming are control tactics, and Utah Mormons tend to be serious control freaks.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
"A push to protect children from viewing racy magazine covers" And how many kids own a smartphone, or have access to a tablet or laptop? Lawd only knows what they're intentionally or accidentally seeing on the internet. Utah Mormons have the worst control issues I have ever seen.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
Wow, talk about brainwashed.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
I go for walks around my neighborhood at night and I just realized . . . there are 8 Mormon chapels within a mile radius of where I live.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
This comment,1373424,1373725#msg-1373725 made me wonder, is the prejudice and bullying worse between Mormons than it is between Mormons and non/exMormons? From my experience it seems about the same. I got bullied and discriminated in the church as much as I was when I left.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
It's been my experience living and working in Orem that this Mormon bullying extends way beyond church. Everywhere I've rented and worked that was dominated by Mormons I've been harassed and bullied out of. I've moved 6 times in the past several years and went through 4 different jobs because of this. The only reason why I've had my current job for over a year is because it isn't dominated by
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
Oh lord, this is really going to happen at the school I go to: I just want to graduate and get out and get some fresh air.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
I've seen UVU do the same thing. They had "Stay off the grass" signs at one time. Now they string up yellow rope around parts of the lawn.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
I get this a lot by certain types of Mormons where I live. It tends to happen when I refuse to acknowledge them as these superior beings that I'm supposed to be in awe of. I treat them like any other person in the world but apparently they don't think they are like any other person. They're . . . royalty?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
Go Aggies . . . and Jesus!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
"The fact is, most of us on this board are probably mentally ill in some way, hyper controlling cults and trauma/abuse will do that to you. This is also probably why this place comes across a little rough, we aren't necessarily the most emotionally healthy people around. So what? Is this something to be ashamed of? Is one to be embarrassed that they were a victim?" +1, and thank you
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
Tristan's posts got me thinking about feelings of paranoia that I've felt and other posters here have mentioned before. How could you not develop some sense of paranoia from living in Mormonism? I mean, you're constantly being gossiped about. The men are always garment-checking each other. The leaders ask invasive questions about your personal life. Every part of your lifestyle is being moni
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
I'm vegetarian and I've never been harassed for it for some reason. Lately I've been cheering myself up with this:
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
Yet I see so many Mormon roommates and coworkers overdosing on caffeinated pop.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
This is epic. Copied and pasted.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
"In the school’s worldview, almost all mental problems – beyond the medical – are the result of sin." Sick and wrong. Mormonism doesn't lift your spirit. It f*cks it up.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
Mormonism is painful and it creates shame and low self-esteem. I have PTSD because of it and I trigger a lot. I wonder if you're just triggering right now? Something about Mormonism you haven't digested out of your system? You have my sympathy.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
This place helped me recognize some personality faults of mine I wouldn't have otherwise noticed . . . faults generously given to me by Mormonism.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
liminal state
Religious love and equality for all.
Forum: Recovery Board