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8 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
This has been discussed ad naseum here. Review this:,854083,854083#msg-854083 It's worth a gander.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
I think financial disclosures do hit certain class of members. There are many who have studied the doctrinal and historical issues and then side with the Brethren/essays explanation because they trust that the 15 are witnesses of christ and are better men than Joseph/Brigham and the older crowd, at least when it comes to morals. They follow the instruction to avoid anti-mormon (pro truth) infor
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
Thanks to you and your brother Will for all you both do. Wonderful truths you have raised. Praise to the Bagleys.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
Why would you have to lie? Or do you mean by keeping your identity secret? Like most of us already do here.... Believe me from experience--keep your identity protected. They will come after you and destroy anything they can about you if they get knowledge of your postings and there are connections in your life to the church (biz, financial, familial, etc).
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
How about at the cost of seeing your children post divorce? I have counted the value of nationally damaging the LDS church and came to a high cost of personal expense that may have been too high for me. They do come after you in any way they can once you sting them.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
A comment from redit: "I guess that's why he didn't need the plates either because they were too cumbersome as well. It's just a little too convenient that Joseph strove so hard for so long to acquire the plates and the Urim & Thummim to suddenly 'discover' that he needed neither to produce the Book of Mormon."
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
Denial Penisfun also claims there is a 13th non-Mormon witness to the gold plates: Josiah Stowell, who hefted and saw them. So, were there plates or not? Some thoughtful analysis says no way, because gold plates of the size he claimed would have weighed perhaps over 100 lbs--enough that his story of running with them under arm, fending off would be thieves, could not have happen. ( http://
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
Dear Mr. Denial C Penisfun: In your LDS Topic essay on the Book of Mormon Translation, LDS historians write: "Joseph placed the seer stone in a hat, pressed his face into the hat to block out extraneous light, and read aloud the English words that appeared on the instrument." Whether by spectacles or seer stone, the bottom line is God sent actual English words inside a darke
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
Even if you live outside of UT, but have to do business in UT, and if you're publicly known for your criticism of the LDS church, it can hurt your business ties. It's easier outside of UT or in SLC, but I am finding that having had my proper name in the media now hurts my life, even if I don't live in UT. Think twice about revealing your identity to the media if you have family or business in UT.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
Haha. No comment about what street I work on.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
My response: Mormons think god was once human or mortal or something, and he did all kinds of things we don't associate with a god--fart, piss, shit, burp, snore, blow his nose, get horny, touch himself. Obviously, this really offended the TBM who couldn't believe I would diss the white-bearded-god-as-a-man figure they revere.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
I have had legal and societal struggles due to being open about my resignation from the Mormon church. My open exodus has literally caused me legal issues and cost me associations, affected my emotional well-being due to the stress of being infringed upon in UT. I wish I could tell you all details, but doing so might cause me more problems in my current situation. Mormons rule the legal, business
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
This is awesome! Probably one of the best short summaries with LDS friendly links/sources I've seen.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
Kimball, Tacitus spoke of Roman history, including Nero and Pilate, who he specifically named as the one who handed down the sentence on Christus. I'm agnostic about this, but I think it would be unlikely that a Roman historian would take Christian rumor about a Roman prefect as evidence of actual history. It seems to me that he would use Roman documents as his source for his historical claims.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
"Pornography Reinforces Sexist Attitudes Among a Subgroup of Heterosexuals"
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
It sounds as though you're trying hard to paint me as a sexist with your language ("has a full time job that she's invested in" etc as if I'm against those things). You can claim yourself a proponent of diversity, but you seem to be trying to stamp out anyone who feels differently than you about gender issues. Go with that. Whatever.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
because I like the differences. If a woman wants to be the same as men, that's up to her. But I won't be interested in her. My preference.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
I'm sure I'll be labelled a sexist, but I am very glad that on average women think differently than men do on average. If not, I wouldn't want a deeper relationship with a woman. Sometimes it seems women are trying to make themselves be just like men in terms of interests, career, thought process and "intelligence". Why? That's lame to me.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
Come on! With god, anything is possible. JS was healed momentarily. He was turned into a deer to jump logs and a cheetah to run fast, and into a bear to fight big. God performed a miracle in helping JS escape with the golden plates. It's only more proof that it is trwooo.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
Ok, cite the other studies. The samples on GRE, ACT, SAT are high. The reasons could be argued, and I am not suggesting that women aren't as intelligent. I think that logic is a small subset of IQ.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
Take a look at ACT, SAT math/science scores between male/female. The same trend applies. The statistics are huge samples too.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
Ok, fair point. How about the TOLT, or the GRE? Table 2, quantitative reasoning scores.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
anonyme Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Lets be honest people, women are WAY smarter and > more capable than men. Men just have huge ego's > that are super sensitive, and women are to nice > and don't want to make the little boys, I mean > men, feel bad about themselves. Hahaha. I always wondered why fewer women go into physics and mat
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
24. data
I've seen data that suggests there's no gender gap in logic reasoning, but most peer-reviewed data shows a gap. For example:
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
I love this line about lucifer answering Adam while god makes him wait. Oops. Then there's Packer's line about emotion and the spirit are so close, we can be fooled! "We Can Be Deceived" "Be ever on guard lest you be deceived by inspiration from an unworthy source. You can be given false spiritual messages. There are counterfeit spirits just as there are counterfeit angel
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
In young mens/womens, they taught us that prayer is answered as: 1) yes 2) no 3) wait (god's will) (Occassionally it included specific words in your mind or visions of death and destruction.) (see the additional material) The yes is a burning, the no is a stupor the wait is a nothing. However, these are really all the answers that are pos
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
My memory of the articles in The Friend can be categorized into three types: 1) Guilt the kids 2) Create arrogance in the kids 3) Projects which have not-so-subtle lessons Guilt the kids is easiest to spot. It's always about obeying the commandments even when it's hard, or how some child did something wrong and repented. Arrogance is usually about how mormons are so wonderful and aren'
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
I feel that I may have burned some bridges. When I left, I caught a lot of crap from family so I decided I had to explain it to them so they could understand. Explaining it only made it worse because they saw me as a pro-active, opinionated anti-mormon with an agenda. I imagine that even if someone leaves, I doubt they will come to me and commismerate. But perhaps some of you have different
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Jesux of Nazdaq
As a young TBM, I used to think to myself about what things I would need to repent from to get to the CK. How I had certain personal weaknesses and failures. I made a plan to overcome them so that by the end of my life I could be good enough to get into the CK. In my mind, the three-in-three-level heaven was like the ABCDF grading system on a bell curve. The number of students getting an A+ (
Forum: Recovery Board