Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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8 days ago
Just stop watching FOX News and listening to AM radio.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 days ago
Well, a few things. First, outside of Utah, AZ and ID "the" church had very little involvement in the BSA. There are a lot of kids that join the scouts because they are not athletic and have little interest in playing sports. They're probably now spending more time gaming or on social media. In Utah the BSA is just another level of indoctrination. Now, that they've bailed on the BSA, le
Forum: Recovery Board
14 days ago
Bingo. The "rich guy" is Provo mormon Ryan Smith who also owns the Utah Jazz. "Yeti" was the fan favorite, but Smith didn't do his homework. The Yeti cooler and cup manufacturer have patents and copyrights. They could call them the Utah Yeti, but they couldn't sell shirts, hoodies, mugs, cups, hats, etc. because Yeti coolers already does.
Forum: Recovery Board
17 days ago
If you would have read the link, you'd have learned this; "LDS representatives also said potential litigation would be costly for the city and its citizens, who would likely lose in the courts, and cited a federal law protecting religious rights. “It was clearly a threat,” said Terry Skinner, a member of the Preserve Our Cody Neighborhoods. “It’s a financial threat to the citiz
Forum: Recovery Board
17 days ago
Sorry wrong reply
Forum: Recovery Board
19 days ago
Yeah. Whiners. The D-News has written at least 3 articles about American Primeval. All bitching about how MMM was portrayed. I commented on their online comment board that the portrayal was actually kind to LDS Inc. That they omitted the part where MMM was a 3 day ordeal. And that they didn't show the part where in the middle there was a cease fire and the mormon militia rode into the Fancher cam
Forum: Recovery Board
20 days ago
GNPE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Logic & Reason HAVE LEFT THE BUILDING. You missed the irony. It's a response to all their making abortion illegal. I lived in Mississippi for 11 years. He's the best politician, ever, out of that sewer of government there.
Forum: Recovery Board
22 days ago
Kinda Of. They've threatened towns with bankruptcy (astronomical court and legal fees) if they didn't change their zoning. See Cody Wyoming for starters. Talk about turning public opinion, in areas where most residents didn't care, know if you are mormon and didn't know much about "the" church. Now, they know. And the overwhelming positions are negative. https://www.codyenterprise.c
Forum: Recovery Board
23 days ago
All anyone reading your story can say, is "I'm sorry". You're a strong person. When I was 17 I had a Marlin 1895 .405. Could kill a bear (not that I did). After your story of abuse, I'm pretty certain that I wouldn't have had the same restraint with that rifle as you did. Every day is a better day for you.
Forum: Recovery Board
25 days ago
"(cue its $100 million-plus stash)" What? Are you from the 80's? According to financial analysts, "the" church is worth 260+ BILLION. With cash reserves at 2+ billion. Largest private landowner in Florida and a stock portfolio worth 100 Billion. But, they still need the widow's mite.
Forum: Recovery Board
29 days ago
"(Do Mormons know that beer is served in the Hereafter?)" Yes. When Gordon Hinkley died, he met St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. He asked if he could see Joseph Smith. St. Peter got an angel to escort Gordon to a huge white building. He was let in and directed up a stair case. He went up a floor and met an old guy with a flowing beard. "Are you Joseph Smith?" The guy says
Forum: Recovery Board
30 days ago
GOOD! The more American religious can infight, divide themselves and act so uncivil, the more Americans want nothing to do with religion. There is hope!
Forum: Recovery Board
4 weeks ago
Exactly. In this day in age, everyone is rushing to be the first kid on the block to tout that they know the facts. They rush to spread their stories that are not verified, even though they're aired. Take a look at this video, where a TV station got pranked, aired this story about the Asiana plane crash at SFO. They even stated that their info was confirmed by the NTSB (they weren't). These day
Forum: Recovery Board
4 weeks ago
Seriously? Did you also spread the news when certain stations were broadcasting that the New Orleans Bourbon Street driver was an illegal that just illegally crossed the border in Eagle Pass, TX.? Nope, an American citizen and US Army soldier. Oops. The LA Fire Chief has a political agenda, to get more money and raises for his union. Never miss a tragedy or natural disaster to capitalize on an ag
Forum: Recovery Board
4 weeks ago
Please stop spreading propaganda. First, $17 million was 2% of the budget. And it wasn't cut it was moved to another services budget during contract negotiations. The budget was actually increased.; "“On Thursday, a spokesperson for L.A. City Councilmember Bob Blumenfield, who was budget chair last year, said the city increased the fire department’s overall budget by approximately $
Forum: Recovery Board
4 weeks ago
"Brad Pitt won an Oscar for the best supporting actor in that role. I still remember a scene in the movie where he is shirtless, wielding a hammer while doing some roofing work." I'm sure you do. I liked it when he threw Bruce Lee into the car door, Pitt's dog attacked the Manson nuts and DeCaprio used his flame thrower. Pretty sure the remaining "Family" knows exactly what
Forum: Recovery Board
4 weeks ago
Yeah, when all of your neighbors from 4 surrounding neighborhoods run their sprinklers 24/7, that puts a strain on the system. Plus, CA contracts with Canada, and has for 31 years, to provide 2 Canadian Cl-415 "Super Scooper" planes that can land in the Pacific and drop water on fires. But they can't do that when the winds are too high. Plus, some idiot took out one 415 with a drone and
Forum: Recovery Board
4 weeks ago
I used to stop for beers and food, all the way up PCH from Santa Monica to Ventura in the afternoons (mostly beers.) Gladstones, Malibu Inn, Alice's on the pier. Moonshadows, Sand Castle in Paradise Cove, Geoffery's, The patio, Tranca's Market for deli sandwiches to go, Neptune's Net at County Line and a few others that I can picture, but don't recall the names. Truly iconic stretches of real e
Forum: Recovery Board
4 weeks ago
Ever see Brad Pitt's movie "Once upon a time in Hollywood"? Should bring back some memories.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 weeks ago
That would've been totally laughable up until the past 8 years. Now, it sounds believable-right? But, I have it on good authority it was those totally real Jewish Space Lasers that started all this.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 weeks ago
That sounds right. A great white from the New York Atlantic is going to eat drivers along the Pacific, on the highway. From the same place that brought us Sharknado movies. I guess it's plausible....
Forum: Recovery Board
5 weeks ago
We stayed in the Prague Downtown Marriott (also had a casino in it) 2 years ago. And, yes, there was a BOM in the nightstand. Printed in English, which we found odd.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 weeks ago
Yes, you're right. The Getty Villas is close by. Hope all is well.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 weeks ago
The Getty museum is way further South and West. This is tragic. We used to live in Ventura and I had that area as part of my territory. I commuted from Ventura down the PCH past Mugu rock (the one in half the car commercials made in the US) through North Malibu (my favorite) to Malibu, Pacific Palisades to Santa Monica. Yeah, the 101 was usually faster but nowhere near as pretty and peaceful. I
Forum: Recovery Board
5 weeks ago
I kinda wish that he'd have called some of his USAF buddies to strafe Temple Square and then call the COB and "ask" them to handle the situation at BYU. But the thing I can't get over is that a BYU kiss ass actually thought he could tell the USAF and a decorated combat officer what they can or cannot do. How arrogant (and wrong) can you get?
Forum: Recovery Board
5 weeks ago
Good points. But, help me understand how a school, owned by a Church, with a prophet with a direct line to God, and also professes to know the future, can't see some of these PR disasters coming???
Forum: Recovery Board
5 weeks ago
True, But the sheer arrogance of telling a career decorated combat vet and USAF member that he can't drink coffee? That's over the top cluelessness. Plus, he was drinking his coffee in his home, not in a BYU office. My friends in other states, that I sent the article to thought is must've been an article from The Onion. If it wasn't for the overwhelmingly bad publicity, I'm not sure Worthen would
Forum: Recovery Board
5 weeks ago
Nightingale Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yup. Paywall. Pro tip. To get around that paywall, figure out how to quickly put your phone on airplane mode. Then find the SL Trib article on your phone. Then click on that article, then immediately put your phone on airplane mode. You will then be able to read the article.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 weeks ago
This reminds me of 7 years ago when BYU, through their own stupidity, almost lost their ROTC program to UVU. BYU President and staff arrogantly and astonishingly demanded that the USAF Colonel, a non-mormon that led the ROTC program sign the Honor Code and agree not to drink coffee. The Colonel rightly refused. BYU threatened to kick him off campus. The Pentagon stepped in and told BYU to FO. The
Forum: Recovery Board
5 weeks ago
The Costco VISA is great. 4% back on all Costco buys, including gasoline. Plus 3% back on most other purchases at other places. Pay it off every month. It's like getting a 3.5% raise. I wonder if you get 3% back if you use it to pay tithing?
Forum: Recovery Board