Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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6 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
The reason they have to say "helped teach and baptize" is because they're sister missionaries, so they can't perform baptisms. They teach and then the elders do the actual baptism.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
When I graduated from high school, what I wanted more than anything was to be an F-16 fighter pilot. I was a good Mormon girl, though. I played varsity sports, but sat out the games that were on Sundays. I had good grades, and got a half-tuition scholarship for my first year at BYU. I enrolled in the Air Force ROTC program. Then I found out that the Air Force has a 10 year active duty commi
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Like Tristan mentioned above, artificial insemintion is OK as long as it's a married couple, not a single woman. Conforming to the appearance of a typical white-hetero-middle class family with kids ideal is good. Anything that might look like a deviation from that is bad.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
They can proclaim that oral sex in marriage is an unholy and impure practice. They can punish women for artificial insemination or for being a surrogate mother. They can condemn masturbation. They clearly don't have any problems with policing things that are very personal and not necessarily obvious. More likely, some of the leaders' wives have had breast augmentation themselves and/or the lea
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
The most effective way to cut through the bureaucracy is to get some media attention on it. You can make your own press release, send it to local media first, and then try to get international attention to the issue. If you can explain to a reporter that you have filed a report with the State Department, and if that reporter contacts the State Department for more information on your story,
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
The application for admission did say that I was expected to follow the Honor Code. It absolutely did NOT explain that if I decided to change my religion, that would be considered a violation of the Honor Code. Most students who are admitted to BYU are not yet endowed. The only covenants and committments they have made are through baptism. If I remember correctly, the covenant of baptism is to
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I hope the surgery goes well.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
“That doesn’t say much about their conviction of the truth of their own belief." Exactly.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Why does the Mormon church oppose tattoos and second ear piercings but say nothing about cosmetic breast surgery? I have no idea. It really is a big thing in Utah culture, though. One of the last things that pushed me over the edge in making the decision to divorce my ex-husband, from Utah, was when he began insisting that I should "get a boob job" because "we can afford it now&
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
11. Thanks
It's tough enough just to be a female in a man's world, so I imagine it must be a hundred times worse to be a transgender individual.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Sometimes when you're too close to the situation, you don't realize how serious it really is. I hope you take the advice of other people here and report this to the police. Print copies of the emails, write down as close as you can remember the exact wording of what was said in telephone converstions along with the date and time of the conversation, and take it all in as evidence. You nev
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
If a woman has always been a "tomboy" and has maculine traits, and simply identifies as a person more than as either a man or this a lesser degree on the spectrum of being transgender, or is it simply a reaction against the gender roles of a patriarchal society? Is gender mainly a social construct, or is it biologically based in our brains? What if a woman decides to pass
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
There's a woman who was originally male, fighting in the women's division...there's definitely some concern about whether having developed with that additional testosterone gives her an unfair advantage...but it wouldn't be fair to put her in the men's division. In a way, maybe it's similar to steroid use? But she didn't intentionally do anything to disqualify herself, and as an athlete, she dese
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
And it's definitely more likely that men will overstep privacy boundaries than women in those situations. I'd think that a transgender individual would be the least likely person to invade other people's privacy, and the most likely to have their own privacy invaded.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
If your child doesn't want to be defined by the gender binary, why not respect their choice? Maybe your child just wants to be seen as a person, a human being, instead of being stuck in a little box. I'm completely female, but there were times that I wished I were male, just because of the societal privileges given to men. Maybe you child is the same way. Maybe it is deeper than that an
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Thanks. I was actually only in Afghanistan for two weeks for my wedding, and that was almost four years ago. I've been pretty solidly stuck in Utah for quite a while. I have a serious aversion to organized religion in general, but I never really considered myself an atheist, either. I just choose to redefine God as something I can believe in, if that makes sense. I believe in Nature and Love and
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I totally get that. The first two decades of my life were all about trying to do better, preparing for the future...getting ready for life instead of actually LIVING it. My favorite line from The Croods: "That's not living! It's just 'not dying'. There's a difference."
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Hey everyone, I took a break from RfM for a while but I think I'll give it a shot again. I was always a good Mormon girl, from pioneer ancestry, and pretty much all my relatives are Mormon. I went to BYU, went on a mission, and got married in the temple (though we were never very compatible). I'd always had questions, but I put them on my mental shelf, figuring that I'd find the answers someday.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Just wondering what's OK for discussion. My husband is Muslim, so that part is religious and should be OK for me to talk about. He's also from Afghanistan and his visa processing took way too long due to bureaucratic inefficiency. I get that the problem of giving interpreters their promised visas is somewhat political, but for me it's personal. I'm hoping you can clarify where the line is as far
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
We know that gender is more of a spectrum than a binary... We know that gender does not always match genitalia... We know a little about the stages of development, and that "female" seems to be the default. The Y chromosome codes for the development of testes which produce testosterone. Absence of a Y chromosome is usually female. Understanding human development is always comp
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
You know how normally, you can just look at a person and can tell from their face if they are male or female? For some people, it doesn't work like that. My brother's roommate looked like a girl trying to dress like a boy. As far as I know, he was genetically, anatomically, and psychologically male, but he looked very distintly female, and there wasn't a thing he could do about it. I think you'
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
A good number of people do not produce gametes of either type. Genetically, there are many variations other than XX or XY. Most of them are sterile and unable to reproduce. There are also genetically XY individuals where the expression of the Y chromosome is impeded, who develop as phenotypical females. What we usually define as "male" and "female" is generally determ
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
SusieQ#1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > I am convinced that as an attorney, at a minimum > these women would know the specific consequences > of their actions within the framework of the LDS > Church. An attorney knows the old adage: don't ask > a question that you don't all ready have the > answer for. "These women"
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I just read a very poignant expression from a woman who has resigned her membership, but still has family in the LDS church. Her family members are using the old "they leave the church but can't leave it alone" idea, telling her she shouldn't care about Ordain Women. But she does care, and she asks, why is it wrong to care? I had to stop and think about that. I've fallen into that sa
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Why do you assume she is being dishonest? I take what she says at face value. She's a lifelong believing member, a returned missionary, married in the temple. She's also a human rights lawyer from Virginia, which might help explain why she's less orthodox. She says that she believes in the LDS church and supports the leadership, which is why she's asking them to ask God for revelation. She
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
and in my opinion, Boyd K. Packer is the main reason for the current excommunications, the fight against gays, and opposition to equal rights. It's basically internal politics. Once Packer is gone, Mormonism will slowly become more progressive as the Uchtdorf-types gain more influence.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
28. Oh, OK.
Yeah, that's pretty much the same thing as ACTUALLY being in prison waiting to be executed for the crime of having children with your husband.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yes, they're both about women's rights and patriarchal religion, Can we say First World Problems?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Even though she was only 8 years old, Kate did say that she wanted to be a member. Meriam Ibrahim legally became a Muslim simply because her father, who abandoned the family, was Muslim. Her mother was Christian and raised her as a Christian, she chose to marry a Christian man, and her government ruled the marriage invalid because a Muslim woman can't marry a Christian man, therefore she is guilt
Forum: Recovery Board