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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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9 years ago
My mom's good friend sent me a card about all these wonderful memories about me. She is one of my mom's flying monkey. I just decreased contact with my mom so I figured she would use the holiday's to contact me.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
"The Christmas Story."
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My parents wanted to do the same kind of deal with me only they were paying with love. I didn't take the deal and now they don't love me. Money might have been nice.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My parents went on one two years ago. My mom was excited that they were 'allowed' to keep their phones and drive their own car across the US to get there. They missed milestones for their grandchildren while away, permanently changing relationships. If they had left two months later they would have been there for them. They missed the birth of a grandchild and a baptism. The whole time the
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I am sorry you are having a hard time. I hope you are doing a little better. Hang in there. Life can really suck sometimes. Keep trucking.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I had a lengthy discussion with my mom that effectively ended any future relationship we will have. The following is a snippet of that conversation summarized as well as I can remember. TBM mom: I would NEVER try to proselyte to someone else's children. I can't believe you won't leave your kids alone with me! Sizter H: What about the time I walked in on you preaching to Son about BoM sto
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Where I use to take the kids to trick o' treat one house gave out full sized candy bars. Each one had a sticker that said "taste and see that lord is good" along with the bible verse. Hadn't thought about it being weird until now. I was just happy on the size of the bar. I think out of all the Halloween proselytizing there have been zero success stories. It is something that re
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My great-great-grandpa was a Byington.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I know exactly how you feel. My parents chose to leave for a mission weeks before my baby was born. Could have waited a few months, but nope, God wanted them to miss the birth. Ironically they came back several weeks early because it fit with the replacement missionaries schedule. Mormons: so worried about being with family in heaven they don't make time for them on earth.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The only thing that garments protect you from is truth. Oh, man I am going to remember this gem and hope I get to use it someday.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
"*The lady that got upset at me for her husband looking at my legs in church when I was 21. I was wearing a knee length skirt and the woman made me feel like a slut. *The way RS ladies treated a homeless single Mom that came to church in jeans." ^^^ Not only must your legs be covered they must be covered in a ankle length skirt. No jeans (come on, God's house, don't be a slob)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Oh, man this is one of my favorites. When I was a kid I remember hearing a bunch of mormon folk lore about Satan using halloween as an opportunity to sneak into the church. We could not wear masks because Satan could assume a disguise that would look like a person with a mask. The bishop would keep his eye out at the party to stop Satan from sneaking in. When I was young I thought this
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I can't imagine a non-mo attending this but actually paying would boggle my mind. I could see a few people not knowing what it was, buying a ticket and then leaving half hour in when they realize it is only propaganda. I also hope some teens pay for a movie, watch it, then sneak into the "Meet the Mormons." I imagine them smug that they get a bonus movie only to realize what th
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Every man looks sexier in boxer-briefs imo.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
No, I will wave. When ever I drive past a more building I yell "It's a cult, get out!" But that is a building not a person. Maybe I will start yelling "Helen Mar Kimble" or something like that.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Thank you. I got tears. The validation I needed twenty some years later and from an internet stranger.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Having children (and I assume grandkids) sure changes how you view past memories.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. If I had read the above post without yours it would have been difficult for me. Thank you.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
"Perhaps your Dad was never heard in his family unless he got rip roaring mad and explosive." So? It still does not justify his reaction. I spent a good portion of my life trying to see my dad's side and still love him. Sometimes it is more healthy to realize, hey that is messed up I deserve to be treated with love and respect. "Notice everything else around the 'flashing
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
When I was nine years old a flier was passed around to all local elementary schools that a man was parking along the path of children walking to school and masterbating when he saw them. My mom's solution was to have me and my 6 year-old brother walk one block to meet a friend who's mom would walk all of us to school. Well unfortunately that one block was where Pervert parked. Here I am 9
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
This is something that would not be enjoyable to me. I have worn one in my parents house. ;)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I know of one family that joined in '97 of '98. I think they stayed in, not sure. My brother that has not been active in over 20 years is rejoining and bringing his wife and kids with him. He was a jack-mormon since youth. Never received the priesthood etc. He has a job but I get the impression they struggle financially. I can't imagine he will last long, he is half crazy. I do not think
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I am so sorry. What a dreaded situation. Only you know what the best choice is. Trust your gut. Good luck!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Wow, I can't believe my thread was continued. I was so angry when I read this Elders blog but was not able to articulate my thoughts. Thanks to everyone who commented helping me to sort my feelings. It makes me sick to realize my parents might actually like me if this was the sewage I spewed. It is nice to remember that there are others out there that agree with me.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The following is from a missionary blog in the Portland Oregon area. *** I’ve come to the conclusion that everyone we teach knows the doctrine
is true. Unbeknownst to them or not, they erroneously proclaim that
their reasoning for not coming to church or being baptized is
doctrine: priesthood exclusiveness, polygamy, the priesthood ban,
abortion, homosexuality, church history, Josep
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I was perusing the Portland, Oregon missionary blogs when I found this gem. The sister missionary is talking about a ten year old girl. I did add a few paragraph breaks for easier reading. ***** She wanted to wear her jeans to church and her grandma told her no, she needed to wear one of her dresses to church. She kept refusing and grandma put her foot down and told her she was leaving with
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Please, please get out! You are not safe. He has no boundaries.
Forum: Recovery Board