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8 years ago
Polygamy. It was horrible at its inception with Joseph doing it and lying about it. It led to his assassination, which in turn led to Brigham Young, who was a true asshole in ways Joseph didn't even imagine. It was horrible in Utah before statehood--heartbreaking to women and marginalizing to men who could not get wives because they were taken by more powerful men. It led to a kind of secre
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
It's not that they believe. They are cultural Mormons who find value in the community and the collective good. They know the church if full of crap about gay people and women and they know the lies in the history and that the leadership is uninspired. They hope that by staying and pushing a more moderate version of Mormonism, they can encourage the church to change for the better. It's a noble go
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
L. Tom Perry was in remarkably good health until he suddenly got cancer and died. Colon cancer, right? Isn't that what took Hinckley also?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
The one they are using now is the 2010 version. The version before that was the 2006 version. I think the one before that was 1998 but I'm not sure of that. Now that they can update online I don't know that they will continue to issue new hard copies. The screen shots I saw of the new policy had a 2015 copyright date somewhere on the screen shot of one of the pics I saw, but I asked the perso
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I don't think the threat of lawsuits is real (TSCC is protected by the First Amendment), but I think the fear of lawsuits is real and is part of the reason for doing this.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
You have to base it on parental alienation. It is talked about it this podcast:
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Be patient: it has traffic overload and loads slowly.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
This new website just went up: Suffer the Little Children. It's a place to read stories about how the policy is affecting people, to tell one's own story, and to find links to help.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I think that they said the specs were wrong, so it wasn't the manufacturer's fault. I saw Prophet's Prey awhile back, so I can't remember whether that is in the film or whether I read it somewhere else.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
No. It was the company of Elissa Wall's and Rebecca Musser's father. He was FLDS. Musser talks about it in her book. I can't remember whether Wall does.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Tom: I see Holland as an extremely conflicted man, whose conflict comes out in lashing out at those who increase his cog dis. I knew him as a young man because he was my BoM teacher at BYU. He was a hard liner as to some doctrines (no death before the fall), but I saw him as kind of a compassionate people-person. I watched his career develop alongside my own disenchantment with the chur
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
No she wasn't excommunicated for praying to Heavenly Mother or from advocating praying to Heavenly Mother. She was excommunicated for exposing the church's role in fighting the ERA. I was around at the time and very familiar with everything that happened, at least as familiar as is Carol Lynn (who is a dear friend of mine). If CLP said that, I think she did so as an oversimplification. The realit
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
She is in Arizona. Kate Kelly recently interviewed her. I don't know if the interview is going to be published somewhere.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
She did a Mormon stories interview not long ago. Those interested in her should listen.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
The internet knows so much:
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
The church has airbrushed angel wings out of pictures done by non-Mormons, including the widely-used one of the Second Coming which was done, I think, by a Seventh-Day Adventist. It also covered the bare shoulders of an angel at the tomb at the Resurrection. Somebody once posted before and after pics of that one, and the original had shoulders showing, IIRC. It is pure baloney to say that t
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I knew Holland when he was a young grad student. I always thought he was a pretty decent guy. I have had a couple of friends who knew him better than I did, and they also had a pretty high opinion of him. When he was first called to be an apostle, I thought he was thoughtful and refreshing. But being in the Q12 has not done anything at all that is good for him. In fact it has turned him into
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Here is Todd Compton's website: And here is his response to the FARMS review of books criticism of the book and another review. It has some non-working links in it:
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I'm not really so sure that all 70s wives are up for a lifetime sentence of having her husband be an apostle. Some are, surely, but it means never having a normal retirement, that time you expect to be your own with your husband, when your kids are grown, when it's time to do normal discretionary travel, play with grandkids, etc.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Laws can be repealed. They can be tossed out by the courts (unlikely) or interpreted in ways that provide less protection to the people they are designed to protect. Constitutional amendments are there to stay. You may never have been discriminated against. Lilly Ledbetter was. She lost her case, but congress passed the Lilly Ledbetter Act to protect women in the future. Look at the ass
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Scott apparently isn't too far off either.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Part of the new push for ratifying the ERA is the "three-state strategy." It is the position that we do not have to go back through the entire Congressional process to ratify the ERA, but rather it can be pushed through if three more states ratify it. It is complicated by the fact that the initial ERA from the 1970s set a deadline for ratification. But some smart lawyers have come up
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
True he has had a good life. And I think he is a decent guy in a lot of ways. But I wouldn't wish metastatic cancer on anyone. I hope he can be kept comfortable and that he won't have to linger in a lot of pain for a long time. There are worse things than death, and intense suffering is one of them.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
And in Texas where legislators are thinking up ways to oppress gays they get floods? Maybe CA and TX should swap ideologies for awhile and they could change the weather patterns.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I had one ancestor who was very old when she joined. She brought three generations with her back in the Nauvoo days, so I guess my family tree got a jump start at the outset. Including my children, that makes 9 generations. My grandchildren would be generation 10, but none of them are being raised Mormon. Some of them were blessed but non have been baptized. Some are still too young for bapt
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
One other thing to note about this family: Robyn has gone public with the accusation that her father, the leader of the AUB, molested her when she was a child.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
What is "progressive" about this is that they have figured out what those on this board have figured out: that Mormonism is a crock in all of its forms. But by the time they figured it out they already had a plural family and they have chosen to keep it together. They entered into polygamy with the normal coercion of Mormon fundamentalism that says they have to do it to go to heaven.
Forum: Recovery Board