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8 years ago
What I want to know is how people with disabilities perform the Temple Endowment. Masonry requires their adherents to be of a sound body because they cant perform their rituals with disabilities. How then can people with disabilities perform the Mormon Endowment? I have seen elderly people who can't stand but it becomes complicated when you are missing an arm or hand etc...
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Matthew 22:23-32 doesn't teach polygamy. Polygamy is having multiple spouses at the same time. What Matthew 22:23-32 is talking about is a woman who was remarried 7 times because her husbands kept dying. That is not polygamy at all. See Deuteronomy 25:5-6.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Here is an expose of The Sealed Portion by Christopher Nemelka -
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
@westerly62 That is the part I don't understand. The RLDS aka Community of Christ have already done that and it didn't work out for them. They had Emma Smith and Joseph Smith the 3rd to run their church which sounds like a powerful combination but it didn't go anywhere. Maybe they just didn't stick to the script because their prophets were supposed to be descendants of Joseph Smith but they gave
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Mormons have created cult behaviors that have no connection to reality. For example: wearing temple garments doesn't amount to anything other than a cult behavior to remind you of the cult you are in. The reality is that Mormons read the scriptures to fulfill their cult behavior requirements. That is what is really at stake here. Mormons don't read their scriptures to learn things because
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
This argument by Mormons is built on the false premise that "chiasmus" proves that the literature is ancient Jewish literature. That is not true at all. All one has to do is google "examples of chiasmus in literature" and start reading the examples that are not from the Book of Mormon or Bible to see how common it really is. The pressence of "Chiasmus" does no
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
All of Mormonism is based on the same non-sense that Joseph Smith came up with. Going from the LDS Church to some other Mormon sect means that you just wanted to change superficially. They really haven't noticed how absurd Joseph Smith's teachings really are.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
"If I have cognitive dissonance, you do too" There is no foundation for this statement. Just because you suffer from a mental illness doesn't mean that everyone else does. You are just starting a new mental illness on top of the one that you already have. There is absolutely no cause and effect relationship between what goes on in your mind and what goes on in mine. "Ant
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
... and that is why the LDS Church was forced to remove the erect penises from Facsimile 2.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Does anyone else find the story of the sword of Laban morbid? Nephi is commanded by God to cut of a drunk passed out man in the street's head with his own sword. Then Nephi keeps the sword and passes it down in his family for 1000 years. Mormon or Moroni then buries the sword with the Gold Plates so that Joseph Smith will have it even though he doesn't need it for anything. Murders keep souve
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Under the classical monotheistic view of an Eternal God it would be impossible for God to be evolving or had evolved. The idea of Eternally God is that God has always been God and will always be God.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I thought this thread was going to be about Joseph Smith's plural wives...
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
That is the Mormon way of thinking. God was once a man as we are now and was exalted to Godhood. The Mormon God is like a superman who had a to worship another God before him much like how our parents had to listen to our grandparents before we were born. The classical monotheistic view of God is that God is, always has been, and always will be all powerful , all knowing, and morally good the
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I think people with physical limitations are just given missions at Temple Square, chatting online, or clerical work to do. Of course the LDS will not send them out on the streets of a third world country to knock on doors. When I was a missionary I actually convinced some people that I was mute after they asked why I wasn't saying anything. I was traveling with 2 other missionaries as a thir
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Joseph & Friends (To the Music of Barney & Friends) ♫Joseph was a prophet from our imagination♪ He put a rock in a hat to receive revelation♫ ♪Joseph's wives are big and small♫♪ They come from many places♫♪♪ After church they meet to say we hate all other races♫♪ ♪Joseph shows us lots of things,♫♪♫ ♪even though it's pretend.♫ D&Cs and polyg
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
My advice would be to try Green Tea before you continue experimenting with coffee. Green Tea is easy to make. Just run the hot water out of the coffee maker then dip the tea bag in it. Green Tea will not make you feel sick.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
So your point is that modern day Jews like the ones living in Israel don't follow their own scriptures? Is that what you are getting at?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
If their church was so important then why did God let everyone in the world miss their church for 1,500 consecutive years...?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Sorry to hear that. I don't have any problem with Mormon funerals except for the burial in ceremonial Mormon Temple clothing. The sad thing is that the dead can't defend themselves against their believing family who want to bury them in Temple Clothing at their funeral. I assume that is what happened because she was a believer. To non believers it can be offensive like doing baptism for the dead.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
isthechurchtrue Full Definition of VEX transitive verb a : to bring trouble, distress, or agitation to <the restaurant is vexed by slow service> b : to bring physical distress to <a headache vexed him all morning> c : to irritate or annoy by petty provocations : harass <vexed by the children> d : puzzle, baffle <a problem to vex the ke
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
This is why such "crafty sciences" as crystal ball gazing were illegal in Joseph Smith's New York community. Joseph Smith was charged with being a disorderly person for claiming that he could find hidden treasures or lost items by looking into his seer stone in 1826. The more plausible explanation is that Joseph Smith would steel people's property then hide it. Joseph would then app
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
"I hope that you are sincere and are not wasting your time on here because it really is not helping you get anywhere if you are mocking God. Do you know what happens to people that mock God?" Yeah the Danites blood atone them.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
You mean like this:
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Ancient Aliens on Friday tried to use the Mormon teaching of Kolob as evidence that humanity is from another planet and that humanity was brought to earth by Aliens (a.k.a. Gods). The Mormon teaching of Kolob and exaltation to Godhood is like a UFO Cult (Scientology for example). The parallels are so close that the Ancient Astronaut Theorists are trying to use it as evidence for their theorie
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
My understanding of the Kabbalah is that it is Jewish Occultism and involves a lot of ritual magic. There are always going to be sub cultures and heretical teachings in any group of people. The Kabbalah is to Judaism as The Book of Mormon is to Christianity.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
isthechurchtrue There is plenty of information about why this is a hoax by people who think like Mormons. They want to paint Jesus in a different light for religious reasons and create fake discoveries like the Book of Mormon to do that.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Its a hoax like the Book of Mormon or the Mark Hofmann papers.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Love your neighbor as yourself. Shocking!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
@Deco I am not sure how the passage needs to be defended since it says that they should not take advantage off, falsely accuse (in court) or defraud foreigners (with false weights and measures) that were living among the Jews. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
isthechurchtrue Chainsaw wielding gypsies block roads in France by lighting piles of tires and wood on fire in the street. Such wonderful people.
Forum: Recovery Board