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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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1 year ago
Knowing my narcissistic parents all too well...I would think they would never have let that info slip (that I quit). I'm guessing the gossip is that I'm an inactive. I never actually told them I legally resigned, so I'm not sure if they even know...does a name get erased or moved to a different column? I have no idea. Many years ago they were so embarrassed that one of my brothers went to
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Yes, I am at a public school. However...the union doesn't make negotiations for my position because it is a part-time/hourly position. When we want changes made to our contracts, we literally talk to the assistant superintendent ourselves. This is why I suspect we are making the same pay because it's hourly, and not based on years of experience and/or education. Meh
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
The national shortage is being felt more heavily in some of the larger, more urban neighboring districts. My district isn't tiny, but it is the highest paying in the area. We never have a hard time finding applicants. She knew a TBM at our school and somehow that was enough! Blows my mind, really.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Nah, elementary school. That's another thing, though. A person who dreams of becoming a teacher and follows that path usually (there are always exceptions) has a natural rapport with students. This woman who 'wanted a job' is so awkward with them!
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Oh, I highly doubt she will be asking me any questions whatsoever. Job related, or otherwise...due to the suspected shunning. I've never been in a more uncomfortable working situation in my entire life. It's kinda giving me anxiety. Counting down the days till summer...
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
We are intervention teachers that are (under normal circumstances) required to have a multiple subject credential. I mean, she didn't even know what an IEP was.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Yea, it was the son giving it to a friend. I feel sorry for him having no idea how bizarre that is where we live. I wonder how the friend reacted.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
You are so spot on about arrested development (and not with just this particular woman). She acts so goofy and childish around her own children. It's so cringe. I like to sometimes be silly and make my own children laugh, but I certainly don't act as if we're the same age.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
I am a reading teacher at an elementary school and at the start of this school year my partner had to take a leave of absence. The person my district hired to take her spot temporarily has zero experience working in a school and is not a credentialed teacher. Why am I posting about this? She is also Mormon. TBM, Utah Mormon, to be exact. I'm in California. I don't say this to offend anyone, bu
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
I haven't posted in quite awhile, but things have come up recently that have compelled me to do so. I will create a separate post for the other topic. I just started watching 'Under the Banner of Heaven' (I know, late to the party...but I recently stumbled upon it). And whoa...the accuracy of Mormon culture/history and the fact that certain elements are so triggering have me quite intrigued.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I made a 'no-sew' mask out of some fabric I had laying around. I attach it to my ears with some stretched out hair bands. Words pretty well. I'm in CA and I'm still amazed at how so many people are not social distancing, wearing masks, etc. This has been evident when I've had to go to the grocery store. Masks are easy peasy to make!
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I'm trying to only hit up the grocery store once every 10-14 days, but today was one of those days. I wore a homemade mask and sunglasses, btw! That felt strange, but anyway, while I was out I saw a car that had window chalk writing all over it that said 'Jesus is Coming! You better be ready!' Is anyone else seeing this kind of fanatic hysteria?? Do Mo's think the 2nd coming is underway?
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I saw someone post about it on social media today. The longer I'm out, the more bizarre their behavior looks to me.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I'm in CA and I keep noticing mishies walking around my neighborhood. I keep thinking why haven't they been sent home?? Are they actually out tracting? I did see them walking a dog today, presumably for someone who is 'sheltering in place' as we are all supposed to be doing.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I was forced to go on the Trek back in the mid 90's when I was a teenager. But back then it was called The Pioneer Trek. I don't know why the name change. I don't know the purpose of it either. We can learn about history without having to reenact it. It was an awful experience. I was on my period (sorry for TMI), but I was also dehydrated, and COVERED in mosquito bites. Also, our bishop had somet
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
If they do this it will become a breeding ground for future narcissists.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I was born in 1979...and today's Mormonism looks almost nothing like what I grew up with. The articles of faith were definitely a huge push for us to memorize, which of course I hated. LOL Not sure what they're shoving down the children's throats these days, but my 7 year old nephew sure does talk about going on a mission a all the time. I have to wonder what he thinks he is talkin
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Ugh...sorry to hear you are dealing with this. The cult getting its hooks into my children is a great fear of mine. My own parents already put in a solid effort to get their culty hooks into my daughter a few years ago! It freaked me out. For the time being, they are still young enough that once I realized what was going on I was able to completely thwart the situation. Teenagers are a diffe
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I've been on a long waitlist for it at my local library and I finally got it yesterday!
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I get your frustration. What a jerk. And I also hated having to call everyone "Brother so and so, or Sister so and so". It's so culty, plus it sets the kids up for failure....let me explain. Many years ago when I was co-hosting a baby shower for my knocked up TBM sister (she was 18, I was older and had already flown the coop and the cult), we were playing a game and I had to tell this
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Who would buy that?? It's hideous! My wedding dress didn't even cost that much.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
kathleen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I say this after a text request to pray that a > Christian couple’s “lesbians next door get > evicted.” > > —it’s just stuff like that —Been a bad day. :-O Unbelievable! Yet not surprising. Sounds like something my TBM dad would say.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Done & Done Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Most relationships reach a level and stay there. > Few keep climbing. Religion levels off a > relationship very fast for me. I am not able to > have truly deep friendships with the overtly > religious. Just can't do it. Have to keep things > "business friendly." I thin
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Now that you're an exMo? I try not to tell people that I'm an ex Mormon. I don't really want to talk about it (unless I'm commiserating with a sibling), and sometimes it seems to have unintended consequences...a shift in perception about me. I've been rejected numerous times for even being affiliated with Mormonism. For this reason and many others I had my name removed last year so that if someon
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Consider yourself lucky that you weren't subjected to the weekly indoctrination session otherwise known as family home evening. I can still remember the flannel board stories and my parents trying to wrangle 7 little kids into reverence. LOL
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I have young children, so it is all about egg hunts and the Easter bunny for us. I keep religion out of it. For us it's a nice family day to have brunch and go mini-golfing. It's when we go over to my TBM parent's house for dinner (if and when we do) that there's pressure and expectations and religion in the air. Ick...we haven't made our plans yet, but I'm thinking it would be nice to skip visit
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Even to this day my TBM family members are super hush hush about the temple. A few years ago something about the temple came up and my sister quickly said, 'we're not supposed to talk about it' and changed the subject. That was before I learned the truth, so it just made me go hmmm. Ever since I found out about what went on in the temple (I learned about it almost 2 years ago when I found this we
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Haha, no. I'm happy to report that I'm 100% immune to Mormonism now. :-D
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
OMG I read the title of this thread and thought, 'there's special garments for wearing WHILE reproducing????' hahahaha
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
It's not worth the price.
Forum: Recovery Board