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6 years ago
It seems really risky letting your children stay in...imagine if they continue and go full-on TBM by adulthood. You won't be allowed to see them get married in the temple and you are not going to be seen in a good light (unworthy). They take on a very 'us vs. them' mentality. And...even though the bishops and counselors seems like really nice men, they ultimately are brainwashed by the church
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Your In-laws sound like my parents. Selfish. Hidden agendas related to Moism. My parents tried to indoctrinate my daughter about 2 years ago...which to my advantage led me to finding this here website! Yay! I have officially resigned and have decided I will not support the indoctrination of children. I will NOT attend any more baptisms because I'm just being nice and supporting family. Nope. Won'
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Only 2 kids in an entire ward nursery?? That must be an elderly ward or something! The ward my family goes to has tons of kids in the in they never have enough adult supervision and the parents just drop them off without giving two shits about it...they are happy to be rid of them for 2 hours. Oh, and my neighbor who has SEVEN young kids of her own got a calling to be in the nurse
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I've never worn them either. My family believes the same crap....that they actually protect you. It's an absurd scare tactic that actually works. Oh and I remember the first time I heard my younger siblings refer to their garments as G' if something sexy. Ick!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I wished my dad a happy Father's Day via text this morning. He was at church and he responded with 'thanks so much...the primary just sang I'm so glad when daddy comes home and it brought back fond memories'. Ugh why did he have to respond with something tssc related?? Sounds sweet enough on the surface, right? Except.... -my Ultra TBM father has never treated his adult daughters like adul
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Yes...that's what I meant.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
My TBM mother peddles doTerra and I do believe I've heard her say it's a Mormon company.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
To the OP, yes. Kind of. A family friend I grew up with had this girlfriend before his mission. During his mission they wrote and were planning to wait for each other. One of them broke it off during the mission (I forget if it was him or her). As soon as he returned home he had a replacement fiance that looked EXACTLY like the first one! She had the same tall (5'10') slender build, with the same
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I agree...I cringe every time I see a social media post about, 'we're so proud of our son/daughter's choice to be baptized!!' They did not have a choice. Period. I always tell my parents that the church was chosen for me. I left at 18 because I don't choose it for myself.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
messygoop Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > This CULT trains members to "freak out" over > mundane things. If it didn't require members to > strain themselves into exhaustion and depression, > then there would be little need for this type of > FEAR and INTIMIDATION propaganda. Yep. My sister was baking/decorating an elaborate cake f
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
BAIIPLUS Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > She mentioned a few times having to "confess", she > confessed to the bishop and confessed to her > husband. > > I am wondering what the hell she confessed. Surely > her husband already knew she wasn't going to > church. > > I don't think this article told the whole story.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Exactly!! I have no idea! Besides, my mom is from a huge family, and many of her siblings have loads of kids, etc., etc. Seems like a lottttt of people together 'forever'. Where does it begin/end????
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Ahh...ok thanks for the correction! I will fix the OP. Leave it to my mother to spread erroneous details.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
It is absurd. It's also dangerous. My TBM parents act as if we, their adult children and our own children, are their property reserved for the CK. My mother doesn't see her behavior as abusive and she thinks that anything goes and that families have to forgive each other no matter what 'cause Families are Forever. I would not want to be stuck with them for eternity. Also, what about people wh
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I recently learned that my uncle got Hepatitis A during his mission in the early 70's from eating some bad meat. This man slowly went blind from this. He also had cancer (passed away last year). He suffered a long and slow decline. But wow does nobody have a problem with it? My father served a mission in the same country as this uncle and he has had so many health problems during his life. Not su
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
My Utah family members (many are in Orem) definitely have that Mormon look. I've noticed this before and always thought it was so weird!! I can't even describe it.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
137. Re: Help
Yes you are in the right place! I must say that if you converted as an adult, your family of origin would probably be HAPPY if you left Mormonism. A lot of us have struggled with leaving because we were raised in Mormonism and our families have treated us like garbage over leaving. Relationships will never be the same as they once were. If nothing else, there are a lot of experiences here to
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Right now I live in an area with a lot of upper middle class to very wealthy Mormons (homes in the millions). They are so full of themselves and constantly competing with each other. These people are not the type of Mormons I grew up with. It's so foreign to me. I grew up in So-Cal in a very laid back ward. These were working class people, salt of the earth. Some of the nicest people I've eve
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I was in a public place this evening and I was walking behind a lady whose garments were showing. She had on knee-length shorts and her t-shirt was hiked way up in the back, exposing her garments. Seemed like a static cling situation and she wasn't aware. Anyway, it just got me thinking how are Mormons (especially women) able to make themselves be ok with wearing those culty undies? For men it ki
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Thank you for sharing your experiences. I am the same age as you and only until recently have I realized that my life is full of narcissists. I agree that being raised in Mormonism breaks down one's ability to recognize and set healthy boundaries, leaving us vulnerable to emotional abusers. Right now I'm in the process of examining all of my relationships too. I left the church 20 years ago, b
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Come to think of it the first and only time I have ever seen the temple clothes in person was at a funeral. I was about 14 or 15. Without asking questions I somehow knew what the deceased person was wearing. I remember standing over the open casket in awe and my mind filled with questions. It was strange.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Thanks...I think they see that I'm doing just fine in life and that not being part of Mormonism hasn't kept me from 'blessings'. But they will never give up on trying. They turn 70 next year...
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I keep thinking Mormonism won't affect me once my parents are gone. I have good relationships with my siblings (TBM or not...I have both), and I have little contact with the slew of TBM relatives in Utah. I see them all so infrequently that my religious status seems to be inconsequential. It's my parents. The ones who brainwashed and indoctrinated me from birth that somehow think that I am th
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
My parents successfully roped their next door neighbor into the cult a few years ago. His wife did NOT like that. Their relationship was a bit estranged and they lived in separate houses. But it was when his adult daughter died of alcoholism that the Mormons pounced on him. How convenient! I'm sure they got a few years of tithing outta him. I can't remember if he went through the temple, but I th
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
This was 20 years ago....I moved out (in effect breaking free of the cult simultaneously) when my parents weren't home. The fallout was biblical, to say the least. I moved in with my boyfriend, so my parents tried to turn all of my siblings against me by constantly telling them that I was 'living in sin', and 'shacking up'. As soon as they got home and realized what I had done, I got the nas
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I knew as soon as I moved out that my parents sent people after me. Here's why: -I moved to a different city and in with my boyfriend (his was the only name on the rental agreement) -I didn't have any bills in my name that I had to change -My paychecks were auto-deposited -Nothing was attached to the new address for a long time; in fact I think he and I moved to another house before I actua
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Wasn't Monson's funeral televised?? I'm guessing it was closed-casket. Hey, if they will 'allow' nevermos to a Mormon funeral, then they are seeing it for their own eyes anyway. What's the bfd? Oh right...because once things are online, they tend to stay there forever.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
"And when you die, you are placed in your temple clothes, which is all white clothing and it's very sacred,” Nielsen said. ""We’re angry. We’re furious. We’re hurt,” Nielsen said. But she said that an apology isn’t enough, and she wants Gomez to resign. "She took something that was very sacred to our religion and put it out there,” she said. "If Go
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
My nevermo husband has a business colleague that was raised Mormon. We'll call him 'Dave'. Dave and I have never really discussed our Mormon upbringings with each other, so I don't know all the details. I do know that he was baptized at age 8. I have a feeling his parents were converts at some point because Dave has said that his bishop at the time baptized him, not his father. What I can assume
Forum: Recovery Board