Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 
SubjectPosts Started By Posted
What makes the LDS claim to Priesthood Authority anymore compelling than the Community of Christ (RLDS) claim? 10 SuperBigGulp02/26/2013 05:53PM
I AM OFFENDED!!! 21 enoughenoch1902/26/2013 12:19AM
The March issue of the Ensign 32 gayle02/26/2013 02:45PM
Patriotism and god Observer02/26/2013 12:28AM
No we are not sick, please stop calling! 25 mrsdonquijote02/25/2013 04:25PM
from the closed text musicangelgirlanonforthis02/27/2013 03:55AM
Shooting at columbus temple! Mia02/26/2013 11:01PM
Anyone read Eckart Tolle's- "A New Earth" and what did you think? Paint02/25/2013 09:17PM
Ensign March 2013 cover story - Raising Resilient Children Tristan-Powerslave02/27/2013 02:56AM
Does it strike anyone else, that Mormon revelation on modesty, sounds a lot like a corporate policy on employee grooming? (n/t) 11 forbiddencokedrinker02/25/2013 05:27PM
"Clearer, Joe's Fraud, to Me" (sung to "Nearer, My God, to Thee") . . . steve benson02/26/2013 10:12PM
How mormon are you? (link) Nancy Rigdon02/26/2013 10:08PM
We can bet that Mo leaders are watching... 14 GNPE02/26/2013 11:39AM
Went to another church's Bible study group tonight... sooo different than LDS! leexmo02/26/2013 11:38PM
Why are Mormons Infantilzed, cont. 27 spwdone02/23/2013 10:04PM
Words of wisdom from my son twojedis02/26/2013 11:34PM
Got a troll email this morning 23 twojedis02/26/2013 11:27AM
sparky's lament sparkyguru02/26/2013 11:26PM
fhe lessons by the relatives YBU02/26/2013 10:59PM
LDS mission shake-down--extortion and invasiveness 17 derrida02/26/2013 07:10PM
Why I enjoyed attending the LDS Church after over a decade away CONTINUED... 58 JonS02/26/2013 12:04AM
Do athiests lack "morals?" 29 fidget02/25/2013 02:03PM
Chicken Soup Love Bombing! Warrior Princess02/26/2013 02:13PM
SparkyGuru, Cylons are the solution to your afterlife! daydream02/26/2013 06:24PM
At Volrammos Cinnamint02/23/2013 09:39PM
HON-EST-LY! Why do they think they can treat the parents like crap and the kids will still want to be Mormon? 23 CA girl02/23/2013 11:46PM
I didn't advocate for violence, & I never have. 24 Tristan-Powerslave02/26/2013 03:03PM
Human, have you given your definition of morality 27 thingsithink02/25/2013 07:05PM
I'm sorry for being too angry & bitter 17 Tristan-Powerslave02/26/2013 04:22AM
Whoever predicted "emeritus status" was right but for the wrong religion. archytas02/26/2013 09:49PM
Yet another One True Church! SuperBigGulp02/26/2013 06:21PM
How's the Renaissance in Mormon Cultural Arts coming along? Any Moshakespeares yet? ;link] Jerry the Aspousetate02/26/2013 06:40PM
Does a Spirit world, and God, Exist? 37 pollythinks02/25/2013 06:57PM
Inspirational Rock Song 2 Whiskeytango02/26/2013 01:30PM
@ Raptor Jesus...If God Created Man In His Own Image...Then Why Aren't Humans Invisible??? Or So It Seems To Me! (n/t) 11 BeenThereDunnThatExMo02/26/2013 02:31PM
New Website Gives Story Behind D&C Sections 11 PtLoma02/25/2013 10:01AM
Baby-Battle Among the Believers: Two Faithful Mormon Historians Disagree Over Whether Joseph Smith Was a Biological Father through Having Sex with His Polygamous Wives . . . 24 steve benson02/25/2013 10:48PM
Honest Question: How does anyone stay a believer after studying church history? 31 eyesopen02/25/2013 10:51PM
To all ex mos with asperger's 13 justsayin02/26/2013 10:29AM
2 more questions about resigning.. 10 theskippyrabbit02/26/2013 04:31PM
What's the difference between symbols and idols? 13 rainwriter02/26/2013 04:07PM
"The Truth" by Archibald Lampman morgana02/26/2013 07:53PM
With all this talk of PTSD...I do often wonder if I have it. 30 fidget02/23/2013 04:47PM
My son still wants to go to cub scouts through the church. Should I let him? 16 mrsdonquijote02/26/2013 04:48PM
Reasons why the church should change the garment wearing policy 11 Rowell back02/26/2013 03:02PM
3 shot at Ohio temple parking lot Observer02/26/2013 07:06PM
Why? A Mormon Answer. Terryl Givens on RadioWest Right Now. badseed02/07/2013 01:12PM
National Organisation for Marriage (LDS) Flyinghigh02/26/2013 02:35PM
Inspirational Rock Songs II Whiskeytango02/26/2013 01:43PM
Do mormons accept the reality of aspergers? 17 ray02/26/2013 06:11AM
Mormon Chronicles: Project Rescue 36 Suckafoo02/09/2012 12:34PM
How do you find out your church record number? theskippyrabbit02/26/2013 01:58AM
Swear like a TBM thread (No actual swear words) 33 Raptor Jesus02/26/2013 10:19AM
"The power of accurate observation by exmormons is commonly called "anti-mormon" by TBMs who have not got it."* heretic02/26/2013 04:17PM
Finally it will end! 22 miggols9902/26/2013 07:07AM