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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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18 days ago
Fourth, it is clarified that no one will be forced to stay in a relationship against their will in the afterlife, regardless of sealings. This is the one that hits home to me! When I went to the bishop after my divorce from DGH(dear gay husband) I asked him how I could get a temple divorce. (I know this is old news to the board). His now famous response after "they don't do that anym
Forum: Recovery Board
24 days ago
There isn't a temple movie anymore? When did that happen?
Forum: Recovery Board
25 days ago
I've shared this before, but the topic still fits my experience. The "walking back to Missouri bit" got my older sister so worked up that she somehow obtained a covered wagon. I saw it one day on a visit to my parent's house, as she was storing it in a large shed they had. I couldn't fathom why she had it, so I asked her straight up. Her answer was that we would be walking back to M
Forum: Recovery Board
4 weeks ago
This was part of the YSA conference that was attended by thousands. Activities included speed dating. Really? Aren't these young people hooking up fast enough for church leaders? I know many are delaying marriage in order to get an education and/or get settled into a career. Sounds like a smart choice to me. Women are also pushing back hard on the whole SAHM directive. They want caree
Forum: Recovery Board
6 weeks ago
gemini I admit I had to look this country up.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 weeks ago
I wish this was not behind a paywall, so if anyone knows a way to see the whole article, please post it! Basically, it is a consolidation of several separate tithing lawsuits into a class action one and could result in millions of claims for tithing reimbursements from LDS, INC!!! This is NOT the lawsuit broug
Forum: Recovery Board
7 weeks ago
I just spent a bit of time in an LDS church this weekend (funeral of an elderly aunt). It's been at least 20 years since I've attended a function that was most of a day like this was. some surprises and some things not surprising. Surprises--I fretted about "proper" dress to wear. Several of the younger folks were wearing nice slacks, very short skirts and a few in knee hi shor
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
gemini I'm starting to see commercials about this. One I saw today was about BYU students in a remote area of (I think) South America with a primitive hidden tribe with only an oral language and how the students are helping them and learning their language. It is part of the brand "to benefit the world". Remember when "enter to le
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
^^^^ true that, Summer!
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
This is the first time my family member has mentioned this. Perhaps she had not been attending it in the past. We do not talk religion, so the only reason I knew about it was from a social media post she made. What is curious to me is that my extended family who have younger children don't ever seem to mention anything at all about FHE, and most of them overshare most everything else.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
Is this a new thing? Is FHE even emphasized anymore with Monday nights not having other events scheduled (in Utah at least)? I ask because a family member posted pictures and information about the neighborhood FHE (adults only) and the dates of the next ones and which neighbor is hosting it. Seems a bit odd to be called "family HOME evening" in this setting.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
I was oh-so-TBM when I attended the dedication of the Provo temple as a young newlywed. Waved the white hanky with gusto! Now it all just seems so, well, silly. Disposable is a very good description of it all!
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
He had a pretty good payday for working on Sunday.
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
Back when I was the ripe old age of 27, my dh was called as the bishop of a ward we had just moved into. I was designated as "mother of the ward". When I was at my wit's end due to no car, 3 little kids, a hubby either at his post-doc classes or church(before the block meetings) and dirt poor, I got a job. Suddenly, the "mother of the ward" was the gossip subject of the war
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
I watched the live stream. Chad seemed resigned to this outcome.
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
gemini what is this church coming to???
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
a somewhat quiet rebellion from the women regarding --Staying out of the workforce/educational pursuits --lack of real leadership positions --timing of childbearing or even whether to do so --wearing of garments 24/7 also, early morning seminary pushback from more parents parents choosing to embrace their LGBTQ kids over the church more cities pushing back on bullying from the church
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
I started this thread because my dear gd just came home after 10 weeks out on a mission. She had issues before she went but felt they could be dealt with. Her mental health got very much worse and now she is serving a service mission. I was terrified when she first indicated she had put in her papers, so my first reaction when I found out she was coming back was relief. I am still very annoyed
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
gemini,Cineplex%20Cinemas%20and%20Landmark%20Cinemas. Remember when cola products were not sold on campus? I guess times change.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
Shaving off his facial hair. Of course it was :)
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
Does anyone have knowledge of how prospective missionaries are evaluated for mental and physical fitness to serve? If there are serious psychological issues such as depression or anxiety etc, does that exclude the prospective missionary from serving or is treatment or therapy provided? Any insight would be highly appreciated.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
Richard was the one who cemented my decision about leaving the mormon church back in the late 1990's. I attended one of the first exmormon conferences when it was held in Las Vegas. I had the honor of a conversation with him that helped me so much. His logic and calm assurance was just what I needed as I was trying to navigate such a life change I had gone through. I had been divorced from my dh
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
I am not FB savvy at all. I have found people I knew in other jobs or social situations. I sent messages to a few of them via messenger and I never heard back from them at all. In one instance, I connected with them in a different way and found out they had never seen the message. So, perhaps your message never showed up in a place that she was able to see it.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 months ago
I went to high school in Idaho and it sure did not spill over in any meaningful way up there. In fact, in my young TBM mind, I was Shocked! Shocked I tell you when I lived in St. Louis MO (dh was in graduate school) and worked in a bank there 1973-76). It made the local news when then gov. Kitt Bond rescinded the extermination order against the mormons that had been declared by then Gov. Bogg
Forum: Recovery Board
5 months ago
I just had a "news" item pop up on my phone that was from April 1st. It went on and on about the Mormon Church buying Westminster Abbey. It looked pseudo serious and finally someone commented about the date. I laughed because it was such a slap down on TSCC!
Forum: Recovery Board
5 months ago
confession time...when I was 12 or so, I would think about how my non mormon friends would be so surprised when we were in heaven and they found out the mormons were right and THEY were wrong. I was young and dumb.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 months ago
Sometimes the PB are downright cruel. I've posted this before. My overweight friend in high school got a very generic PB with no mention of posterity, marriage etc. She totally shut down emotionally and never even tried to date. Now mid 70's never married and totally bedridden. it is so sad.
Forum: Recovery Board