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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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7 years ago
So, this would be analogous to Mormons, in that they both seek divine intervention, such as when they lose their keys, for example. In the Catholic version, they use an intermediary (a previously/declared saint), while the Mormon sends a plea directly to god - through Jesus Christ - to direct them to their keys?
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
As I understand it, when the Catholic Church considers whether or not to declare a dead person a 'saint', they look for at least three miracles that can be attributed to that person AFTER the person had died. Do Catholics REALLY believe that dead people perform miracles? Or do they just accept what their church does in this and just say, 'whatever...'?
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I've got tickets to see him performing in London in about a month (early November)...
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Why would you knowingly continue to live like that? You need to change yourself, what you do and what you say, so you don't upset him (especially when you can't always tell what will trigger him). Life is too damn short to live like that.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I met a black Stake President in London when I was on a short vacation there about 3 years ago. He was working as the receptionist at a stake center/mission home, where it wasn't even his stake. They were using him as window decoration for visitors to show that they were an all-inclusive church.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions. I was in London almost 3 years ago and used the underground then. It worked out well for the most part. However, I was able to get disoriented and then lost at one of their stations...
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I'm headed for London in early November to attend a Paul Simon concert. It'll be at the Royal Albert Hall. We'll also stay a couple of days for sight-seeing. Any recommendations as to hotels in the area?
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
"she says that what is important is the "base beliefs" and that I focus too much on the issues of the Mormon Church." The 'issues of the Mormon Church' ARE the 'base beliefs'. You've shown that these issues/base beliefs are FALSE, yet she still hangs onto them. "will these issues be too much?" YES, absolutely! To avoid 50 years of heartbreak, arguments,
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I hate that the fairy tale of LDS Inc, can cause such emotional pain among those who have come to believe their nonsense. Shame on them for perpetuating this fraud.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
My stupid ex bought one of those. Paid $75 for it, from someone "in the ward." She tried to explain how it worked, and I was amazed that she - a college graduate - actually believed it. So, we ended up washing a few loads of laundry without any detergent. Since I did most of the laundry, I soon went back to using detergent. Perhaps I didn't have enough 'faith' to make it work....
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
The most valiant in the pre-existence were the most white, born-in-the-covenant, born in the USA, and living in Utah (preferably SLC). That's what I was officially taught in their official churches by their official representatives. Therefore, that was their official doctrine (regardless of what they say now).
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
133. Re: Lost
Welcome! You're having a rough time right now. You should find support here as well as in meet-ups. You made a comment I'd like to ask about: "it is an amazing organization that does so much good" Really? Could you give me some examples? I'd really like to know.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Sounds like you have great reunions! You certainly won't be bored. If you decide not to go, perhaps we can trade - I'll go in your stead (and I'll wear your name badge) if you'll go to mine. So what if I'm a guy - we'll work around that. My next reunion is next summer (2017). It'll be my 50th, so prepare yourself accordingly...
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Glad she'll be OK. "There is no reason for this life I believe." YOU'RE the one who gives your own life a "reason". You're free to do that or not. "I'm angry at how fragile and seemingly useless life is." You got that right - life IS very fragile. But "useless"? That's entirely up to you.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
...based on religion. Here's a child who is excluded because her parents are athiests: Amy begins her response with a comment that seems like she cannot believe such a thing could happen. She says to double-check to make sure her daughter heard right.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
1. Ask her what she'd like - who she'd like to see, or what she'd like to do. Perhaps she needs a little time to decompress from the life she's lived for the past year, or 2. Ask her about her life abroad as well as her experiences and impressions. I'm sure she has a lot of stories to tell, or both.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Watch out for the Boise Police Dept. Well, not all of them, but some are quite aggressive. A few years ago, the graduating class of their police academy (or perhaps it was the state police academy - I don't recall exactly which), got into hot water for their 'official motto' that year. It was something like: "We don't treat PTSD, we CAUSE it!" They had it printed on their graduati
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
My son was originally being sent to a French-speaking country in Africa. After a few weeks at the MTC in Provo, he wasn't getting the language, even though he had taken some French in high school. It got to the point that he knew he wasn't cutting it, and finally spoke with those in charge. I believe he was thinking (hoping) that they'd cut him loose and send him home. Instead, they took him
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
MONEY FIRST, whether it be through the activities of the cult or businesses. However, they do take a perverse pride and joy in the intangible control they exercise over their followers...
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
The spirit of discernment must have settled on the Deseret News organization.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
When I was taking the 'discussions' from one of the stake missionaries many years ago, I asked him about April 6 being Christ's real birthdate. I asked, Where did that date come from? Was there any reference to that in mormon scriptures? Was there any pronouncement from any of the profits that that was Christ's birthdate? He said he'd look it up and get back to me. When we met again a couple
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
God is not upset with you, scaredbyustudent. If God is really a part of this situation, he is upset with the stake president for his inappropriate, intrusive questioning and for pretending to speak for God or to act on God's behalf.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
In an article about Warren Jeffs the AP describes him as: "...the self-styled prophet of the breakaway Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints..." Why don't news outlets describe Tommy "wiggle-ears" Monson the same way? If I remember correctly, the news peo
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Of course there are different degrees of disaffection among ex-members. But I believe there would be strong support out there to help, especially if it was to help expose the fraud with actual documentation and personal testimony. John Dehlin receives approx $150,000 per year to support his Mormon Stories website and podcasts, Tom Phillips received support when he was involved with bringing t
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Thanks, everone. That helps a lot!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Isn't EWR Newark?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I need help deciding what to do regarding a NYC trip this summer. I will be coming into NYC (from another US state). I've only been in NYC once before, and that was for a layover, so I don't know anything about the location of the city in relation to the arports around it. From whichever airport I choose, I will need to get to the hotel, which is in 'Midtown' (1300 block of the Avenue of the A
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
If a GA were to 'jump ship' and tell ALL (With documents and other evidence) and then have the full force of such a non-disclosure agreement enforced against him, he could/would still be taken care of. All one would have to do is set up one of those on-line funding pages (the specific name of such a page is not allowed here). He would receive an enormous outpouring of thanks (and overwhelming
Forum: Recovery Board