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11 years ago
My parents never discussed sex wit me, either. They left that job up to the inspired leadership of the LDS church. When I was 16 I thought it best to chop off my you-know-what. I didn't, but part of me thought that was the only moral thing to do. I was the home teacher a certain fairly new Apostle for a while when he was a grad student at BYU (I think he was a student at the time- he may have
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
You raise a larger question: what is the Mormon position on anything? For they are free to "believe" anything they want until it makes them look stupid and leaves them standing all alone sociologically, at which time they never taught that. There is no "official" Mormon position on anything. Mormonism is a bunch of egos all trying to be top dogs, and those on the bottom must p
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The key, IMO, will be trying to get the news media on board. It seems to me that the deciding event will be a Walter Cronkite-style declaration by a news reporter as to his/her concurrence in your thesis (refering to the social wake-up call that took place when Cronkite openly delcared his disgust with the Vietnam war thing). The news media are in a lot of ways "merely" reflections of t
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
And where was this God of Miracles when Pinochet and the CIA overthrew Allende and was butchered anybody who dared oppose him? Apparently hte only thing God cares about is numbers of Mormons.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
For me, it was hell. There were some Stake Conference talks about how it was incumbent on all Mormons to be the epitome of effervescent gregariousness. I kid you not. My parents, unsurprisingly, took it to heart and teased me about being too quiet. There were mutliple reasons for that, including inferring from the general tone of the church that I was worthless,but somehow they didn't quite get t
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
They choose people who have spent their lives performing some sort of service to the public. The problem, as i see it, it this: in the LDS mind, dedicating one's life to the church is performing a service to the public, and not just any run-of-the-mill philanthropic endeavor. In the LDS mind service to the church is the only kind of service that matters or indeed has any meaning whatosever. It is
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
rationalguy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Many people who are either agnostic or atheist > celebrate Xmas simply as an enjoyable holiday and > take the good parts of it. After all, it has > evolved into mostly something else besides a > celebration of Jesus anyway. Many of the symbols > of modern Xmas are things like trees (pagan >
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
They already have a cheap tacky one. It's been there as long as I can remember...
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Let's not forget backmasking and Lynn Bryson! And (horror of horrors) Dungeons and Dragons! Clear evidence of the increasing power of Satan in these Last Days! (funny how the Last Days are always the ones we happen to be living in- or is that just coincidence?)
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Several years ago, when I was a student at the University of Utah, I saw in my department's office an offical University of Utah letter that got sent to all newly hired faculty members. It stated (and I really and truly quote verbatim): "Unless you are also LDS, you will never get to know any of your Mormon neighbors".
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
It all sounds just like some of the things I heard in the sixties regarding "colored people"- that they were fine as long as they knew their place, but woe betide any that became "uppity"!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
And they make them pay for health coverage!!!!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The Mormons have painted themselves into a corner. If Moroni is (was) a real person, then he is available to anybody onthe planet, the same as with Julius Caesar or Aristotle. The Mormons do not, and cannot, control him or his image. That canonly be done with copyrightable- that is, fictitious, characters. So which is he?
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
This was great! And it fits in so well with my experience. Girl after girl tried to latch onto me- and it was plain, evenin my Asperger's condition, that not a single one of them card a whit about who I was inside or what I wanted to be when i grew up. Or about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Getting married was the beginning and end of their life goals.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
One personal effect of the Vietnam phenomenon was mission farewells. From what I was told, in the early 70's the church instructed the membership to downplay mission farewells to avoid the publicity attendant on so many of its young men going on missions and thereby depriving the military of their services. There was also a bit of class friction, as the mission-vs.-military decisionwas frequently
Forum: Recovery Board