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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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8 years ago
Great response! The church certainly has done a number on my sister. She continues to have kids because she hasn't received that "no more for you" answer to her prayers. Poor woman! I am glad that I realized how prayers worked when I was TBM. Study it out. Ponder about it. Then pray. Amazingly, we never got a surefire "NO!!!!!" Instead, silence left us to interpret our de
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Thanks! I do wonder what her kids are being told about their cousins and my husband and me. My sister doesn't confront me about church. Hopefully, her kids will recognize that just because their aunt wore a 2 piece bathing suit, she was still a good person. Time will tell.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I understand! My sister's kids each relate best to the cousin 2 years their junior in my family. My daughter is a normal Kindergartener. Reading is coming along, but she's trying to sound out unfamiliar words. The cousin her age cannot read and speaks below the level of my 4 year old. My kids aren't perfect students by any means. The oldest one has focusing issues, whichakes afternoons very long.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I hope so. Her world is very narrow, thanks to her mom's restrictions. You are a teacher, right? I'm definitely not. However, I am very concerned for this niece and her siblings. Their home schooling doesn't seem to be doing them any favors. I honestly don't know if it is TSCC alone causing the most damage, or the compounded effect of never associating with people/kids who are unlike them. I have
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I find that I am much more open about my ex-mo status than I ever was as a TBM. I don't mind acknowledging and informing others about the fraud, if it comes up in conversation.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Fun weekend with TBM family this weekend had a few highlights. My kids haven't been to TSCC since they were little. They don't really know anything about the teachings. My sis and her family are rabidly TBM. The kids are home schooled, which in this case means they are socially stunted and only know the church social norms or other home schooled kids' social norms. The family arrived and immed
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
We had TBMs around for the weekend. They did attend church, but surprised me by only staying for 2 of the 3 hours. After lunch, we helped them break the Sabbath by going to the beach. They all seemed to have a blast. How long did it take for the guilt to set in, I wonder?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Prepping for an afternoon at the beach, if the rain stays away. TBM family in town for the weekend had to go to 3 hours of church this morning. The peace is kinda nice, though. When they come back, we'll corrupt them with rock music, fun at the beach, and my daughter and I will be sporting "immodest" tankinis.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
11th Anniversary?! Congrats, you two, on your marriage and resignation! Now go teach your kids "Popcorn Popping," because if they don't learn it from you first, the TBMs will teach them. Lol
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I work in my yard a lot on these hot summery days. I was so glad yesterday that I could wear tank tops and shorter shorts without guilt (and no farmer's tan lines!). My poor mom must have been miserable in her younger days when she'd work in her gardens with one piece garments under knee length shorts and baggy shirts.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Great advice above. I am a wife whose DH lost belief first. I remember being afraid for my family. It's insane how influential the church is. I feared for my current marriage and my "eternal family." As sick as it is, as TBMs you have a sense of security knowing that you both made covenants about your marriage to god. When my DH let me know he was over TSCC, I felt like I had lost a s
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I got Emma. I was so disappointed, as Emma wasn't faithful enough to go west with the saints. How brainwashed was I?!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
A sibling's PB says she would raise sons and daughters. She's had several boys and 1 girl. After the latest boy, she seemed to be finished birthing. But someone reminded me that her blessing indicated there would be plural daughters. Sibling is pregnant again with #too many to count. The baby is a girl. Has she fulfilled her PB blessing now? We hope so!! While I was still TBM, this sibling
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Thanks, moremany. I do feel my mom feels stuck in a hard place. She's only ever known life as a mormon. She clings to the good things about it, even after experiencing troubled times with some leaders. Too bad that when she was most over the church, her kids were all encouraging her to stay strong in it. Now some of us are out and wish we hadn't missed that chance. Haha.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Yes, Elder Strangelove. It's nice to have expressions of love publicly from one's dad. One on one, though, probably not going to happen. The most emotional I have ever seen my dad was as he relayed a plot of a dang boring movie to me in a grocery store checkout line. He was choking, holding back tears, as he spoke. What?! Never have seen that much emotion from him over a family member. The barr
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Sorry, Elder Berry. Now that I'm a mom, I worry about how I affect my kids. Church won't knowingly be a factor, as we're raising kiddos outside of TSCC. However, I feel quite lost sometimes about what I'm doing and seem to revert back to unrealistic expectations of perfection from the school-aged kids. Hopefully, I won't fail at showing more affection and a better balance. :(
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Thanks, everyone. I guess I was caught off guard not realizing how tied in TSCC was to that relationship at that point in time. These days I make myself available to my tbm family members, but they rarely bring church up. So it goes...
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My mom handled my exit better than I thought she would. I've successfully had a glass of wine in front of her. She was having a "disagreement" with my dad, though. So my wine was the less worrisome thing at the time. Lol Still, it's got to be a tough adjustment for her to figure out our worth and her worth, without the church factor. I was joined by another sibling in our exit. So t
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Recently, I organized my closet and found a few keepsake items. One was a note my mom had given me years ago, I don’t recall if I was in high school or college. I used to carry it with me and read it often. My parents only occasionally express their affections toward their kids. So when I received a note from my mom with lovely sentiments, I cherished it. Church was always present in our l
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Last year's meet-up was great! Wish I could be there. Maggianos is delicious! Enjoy some tiramisu and an espresso for Gulf Coast Guy and me! :)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yep. We give that SP a hard time, but if it weren't for his power hungry leadership, we may still be full-tithe-paying TBMs. I hope the teacher and kids in this article can look back one day and thank their local leaders for helping them find their way out of TSCC!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Wow! I wish this scenario would repeat itself across Mormondom. I think the teacher's shelf just grew heavier. I also love the exchange about the spirit. Teacher says he felt moved by the spirit to discuss racism with his class. His bishop returns with a childish, "oh yeah? The spirit told me to tell you to stop." DH and I had this spirit problem with our SP. Oddly, the spirit g
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
15 to 20 endowment sessions. DH and I had the lofty goal of attending once a month early in our marriage. Blah! Once kids arrived, I could see some appeal to the quiet time in the sessions. Thankfully, our visits dwindled to once or twice a year until we gave up on it. Aside from the senseless ceremony, the celestial room provided yet another place to feel inadequate and imperfect. Being taug
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I know it was delicious on my toast this morning. :)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Mormonthink has a section under Joseph Smith about other visions common in his region. Maybe one of those accounts is what you're thinking of?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Just ate some Bailey's filled truffles today. They were incredible!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I appreciate the irony of the modesty panel on the more TBM of the mothers. I was absolutely relieved to ditch those dumb inserts or the traditional cami under absolutely every shirt with a v neck. I still layer with tank tops a lot, but usually because my tops have sheer material or are practically see-through. I haven't come to a point where I want my bra to show through my shirts! My DH's
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I've been wondering for years why they haven't gone this route. Unfortunately, I was one of those that was eager to pay tithing first and felt bad for missing a week. I would have loved having an online system. Now I just feel sad for my family members who are faithfully forking over their money, without a second thought.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Topping, although regretting that I can't come this time.
Forum: Recovery Board