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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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6 years ago
I agree with ificouldhie. In fact I think they should double down on their anti-gay bigotry, reinstate their no blacks policy, encourage more polygamy, and see where that gets them. If anyone wants to give the morg advice on how to improve, it should involve the shuttering of every ward house and temple on the planet.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Are these all actors?
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
And here is where President Nelson has made his first major blunder right out of the gate. If you're going to send Uchtdorf down to the minors, you send Eyring down with him. That way you can bring up Oaks and one other, without centering out Uchtdorf. The idea is the the transition of leadership should be seamless, without any conflict or controversy. Looks like President Nelson didn't r
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
These guys would make excellent apostates. It sounds like they wouldn't need much convincing to jump ship. Maybe they'll show up on this board.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I personally am delighted that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has chosen to continue to oppress women by denying them the priesthood. It's unfortunate that they changed their policy regarding blacks, but their new revelation of rejecting children and forcing them to denounce their parents' relationship is a worthy replacement. Anything to speed up the demise of the cult. If i
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I challenge any Mormon to state items from the article that are not true.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
The New York Times does their reporting in the real world, and are under no obligation to candy-coat something to appease Mormons. I found this obituary to be refreshingly honest.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
The brethren have human trafficking down to a science.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Any port in a storm.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
The whole Mormon experience is a mental mind-f*ck, and missionary service takes that to a whole new level. I contend that the missionary program is guilty of human trafficking by modern definition. Their are plenty of human rights organizations that should be scrutinizing this.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
This smells of desperation. We all know they're having trouble rounding up "volunteers" to work in their temples, or to run their wards and branches for that matter. And they've built 159 of these eyesores, arrogantly assuming that millions of Mormons around the world would flock through the doors. What an incredible waste.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
commongentile Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- "All these instances of sexual harassment and assault that are coming to light makes me realize all the more how basic and intense the sex drive is in human beings." The sex drive is indeed basic and intense, but these cases are not about sex, they're about power and control. Sexual desires can be sat
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
It's good to see that this fake church is still largely at odds with current social (logical) thinking, and rather than chiming in with ways to improve, or save, the so-called-church, I would rather see it shrivel up to a small back-woods cult, which is exactly what it is. I was just reading some hateful comments from Mormons regarding what "Heavenly Father" intended for humanity an
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
A few years ago there were some members who, during general conference, stood up and opposed the vote. The brethren were somewhat surprised by this, and this is their way of getting around it. They're not interested in your opposition, so they don't even give you an opportunity to oppose the vote. I foresee a time in the not-too-distant future when some members will, when told to see their stake
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
They've done their best to cover up and delete their history but guess what? It's all out there, fully documented, detailed and described. It will never go away, and this is why their days of growth are over. They are completely dependent on the members to pass on their delusions to their kids in order to keep things going. Stick a fork in 'em....they're done.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
As someone previously mentioned, Mormons are addicted to their church. Addicts lie to get their fix. In fact, they will do anything to get their fix. It is a very strong addiction that is passed on by their parents.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
They built the conference center at a time when they could fill the seats. If people stop showing up they can cover that up for only so long. So they will find creative ways to downsize their space as they move to smaller venues, with lots of excuses and lies. But they will never admit the one true church is dying when they're supposed to be the greatest show on earth.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Like most people Tim only had part of the story. He didn't seem to know that Joseph Smith was a known con-man, nor about the harm the cojcolds has inflicted on humanity.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
From the Salt Lake Tribune: "Descendants of Mormon pioneers, his family became disillusioned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and left the faith." Definition of disillusioned: disappointed and unhappy because of discovering the TRUTH about something or someone that you liked or respected. Any comments, brethren?
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
This "church" is nothing more than a backwoods cult. Because they are so deceptive they have amassed a fortune of billions, which allows them the front that they are a legitimate religion. As the money runs out the reality will set in. LDS, you are toast.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Very boastful. But that just seems to be the Mormon way.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Mura h-e Albannach a th 'ann, tha e a' crapadh!
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Nevermo4, the name of this website is "Recovery from Mormonism", not "Let's all think of ways the church can improve and grow." I think I can safely say that most of us out here would like the cult to shrivel up and die. There are lots of websites that would welcome your drivel. Maybe try posting there instead, or better still, drop your quest to help the brethren out. They're
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
"No man who makes disparaging remarks concerning those of another race can consider himself a true disciple of Christ. Nor can he consider himself to be in harmony with the teachings of the Church of Christ.” - Gordon B. Hinckley That disqualifies Joseph, Brigham and many other leaders. Therefore the Cojcolds is disqualified as a church. How do they stickhandle their way around that?
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Elder Holland was busted. He established himself as a liar in the BBC interview from a few years ago.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
"First Person is not used in either the Old or New Testaments." Try Revelation 22:8, 1:9.... Don't believe everything a Ph.D. tells you.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
So Blackmore is convicted, but Smith and Brigham get to walk? Even the most devout TBM must be able to connect the dots. Anyone??
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
In light of Winston Blackmore's conviction for polygamy in British Columbia, authorities in Salt Lake City and various other states had no choice but to convict the former "prophets" for the same crime, resulting in lengthy posthumous prison sentences. If only...
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I just read this article which refers to the "ancient" prophet Moroni. Moroni is a fictitious character that was invented in the early 19th century. He is neither a prophet, nor is he ancient, unless 180 years is considered to be so. The Mormons put the information out there and journalists publish it as though it's fact.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
We all know their numbers are completely bogus, but even they can't cover up the fact that their convert numbers continue to dwindle with each year that goes by.
Forum: Recovery Board