Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 
SubjectPosts Started By Posted
Dec. 31, 2011, what would have been the start of my 6th year in the church dclarkfan101/01/2012 03:38AM
How are desabled in Utah treated? blindmag01/01/2012 12:43PM
bishop sends porn addict group info for no reason 19 jamie12/25/2011 07:49AM
Does Emma Hale Smith Deserve Our Sympathy When the Evidence Shows She Was a Co-Conspirator in Silence & Deceit on the Nature of Mormonism & the Abominable Antics of Her Husband?-- steve benson01/04/2012 12:10AM
Help!! Having an argument with a Mormon/religious person regarding whether or not people need religion for morals 31 nw gal01/04/2012 12:27AM
So how's ol' Pickle Juice Bednar? (swearage) Anony01/03/2012 09:29PM
I think my family would accept me as gay but not *gasp* single nicole45601/04/2012 12:10AM
ask yourself if you fit the "Mormon apologist" stand point or "NOT" 36 freshperspective01/03/2012 02:32PM
Stuck chatting with Father-in-law 34 as-if01/03/2012 01:10AM
Spend your birthday with the missionaries shilling for LD$ Inc! intellectualfeminist01/03/2012 10:17PM
Sudden sadness & guilt??? fetching4901/04/2012 01:22AM
evil institution boiseguy01/03/2012 11:09PM
Anecdotes 17 untarded01/03/2012 09:03PM
Intellectualfeminist's letter to the bishop intellectualfeminist01/03/2012 11:27PM
Should I actually send her this letter? 33 momma bear12/29/2011 03:34AM
I went to a mormon funeral 13 don't_want_to_log_in01/02/2012 05:40PM
I'm too honest, too nice, too considerate, and too patient. Do you have any shortcomings? 33 thingsithink01/02/2012 11:03PM
Since you left, how much time has been freed up without church? Quoth the Raven "Nevermo"01/03/2012 06:37PM
Tapirs/Deer/Chariots a second witness "Book of Zelph" jebus01/03/2012 11:06PM
Husbands "Proof of the Day" That The Church Is True 32 Suckafoo01/03/2012 12:43AM
I've heard that having a strong testamony is the cure to depression 27 They don't want me back01/02/2012 10:49AM
OK, so by accident I stumbled upon Celebrity Wife Swap. dagny01/03/2012 09:30PM
Saw part of the Martin Luther biography on the television machine last night... 10 helamonster01/03/2012 04:06PM
I'm offended! dressclothes01/03/2012 09:21PM
'authentic' BoMormon question... GNPE01/03/2012 07:16PM
At least the masons when they created their silly ceremony only meant it for an initiation ceremony, not as a spiritual experience. Quoth the Raven "Nevermo"01/03/2012 08:30PM
Disturbing VT Message 32 Lost01/03/2012 09:44AM
I am starting to see a sliver of post Mormon Church life and I feel joy angelina501/03/2012 06:19PM
Mitt Romney Trying to appear normal... 14 tombs101/03/2012 05:33PM
The church is stalking me 41 mollymuses01/02/2012 03:23PM
It's the FACEBOOK BUFFOON'S birthday today!! 10 Regulargal01/03/2012 05:00PM
I feel for Emma Smith 20 gemini01/02/2012 11:02AM
Anyone heard about this? rutabaga01/03/2012 05:41PM
o/t (well, sort of) National pub chain to offer beer at £1.29 a pint! 32 matt01/01/2012 07:53AM
Here's an idea I just had for a useful address to use for forwarding requests from nosey Mormons matt01/03/2012 06:46PM
I Finally Figured Out What The "B" In Gordon B. Hinckley Stands 4...Isn't It Obvious It's..."B_z_"...Anybody Wanna Buy A V_wel? (n/t) BeenThereDunnThatExMo01/03/2012 01:44PM
The magic of Richard Dawkins lulu01/02/2012 02:14PM
Drunken use of a handgun ends up saving a 13-year-old sex slave -- in Utah. Stray Mutt01/03/2012 02:30PM
Six People in Three Airline Seats? 26 imalive01/02/2012 11:24AM
Are any of you on imgur? lily01/03/2012 01:05AM
Too Young, Too Many Kids anybody01/03/2012 04:55PM
internalized homophobia 27 Gay in SF01/02/2012 06:13PM
Mormon Evolution Problems michaelm (not logged in)01/03/2012 09:08AM
o/t Back to work tomorrow after the Christmas and New Year Holidays matt01/03/2012 05:25PM
Facebook status complaints about TSCC meeting time changes. (swears) 23 mrsraptorjesus01/01/2012 06:18PM
Not really news: just another big Ponzi scheme weeder01/03/2012 04:13PM
Girlfriend asked to baptize dead? 13 NoMoWithMoGF01/02/2012 07:38PM
In my process changing my beliefs, leaving those of the LDS Church, I found some excellent advice that I like very much. SusieQ#101/02/2012 02:42PM
FACEBOOK BUFFOON - New Year's Edition 27 Regulargal01/02/2012 10:47AM
To Stunted re not flying cross country for wedding you couldn't attend anagrammy01/03/2012 02:10AM
anybody have trouble with This One besides me? GNPE01/03/2012 12:41PM
CHIASMUS? 19 jebus01/01/2012 04:26PM
Stalking is an overall mormon policy & directive. 32 Cheryl01/03/2012 07:50AM
What's with mormons acting cool that they get the non alcoholic sparkling cider? 38 Drew9001/03/2012 12:42AM
My therapist told me I came from a dysfunctional family. 35 blacksheep01/02/2012 03:50AM